7 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Robin Junker
Dear colleagues, It would be very helpful if someone of you could tell me, how to test configural measurement invariance in an intervention study with two groups and two measurment points. I was...
25 May 2021 5,032 3 View
Dear colleagues, Does anyone know how to conduct a one-sided testing of regression weights (MLM) in R? The actual model is fm1rs
24 January 2021 4,134 3 View
Hello RG-Community, I have a question concerning a multilevel model: level 1: situations (12 in average; there are two types of situations, each of them 6 in average). level 2: persons (40...
17 November 2020 1,123 4 View
Is there any possibility to get the estimated values (listed for every participant) of a specific latent variable in R or Mplus?
18 June 2020 3,991 3 View
Hey there, I am looking for literature or tutorial videos, which are concerned with the question of how multilevel markov chain monte carlo models are conducted in R or Mplus. Can someone help...
21 April 2020 7,985 1 View
Dear colleagues, Does anyone know, how to build a ROC-Curve and a AUC-Value concerning multilevel logistic regression models using R or Mplus. I would be very grateful for any articles,...
27 February 2020 9,111 3 View
Dear collegues, Does anyone know, how I can generate a p-value for an Odds Ratio using R or Mplus concerning a multilevel (multiple/simple) logistic regression model? Thank you very much in...
27 February 2020 3,940 4 View