14 Questions 340 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Robert Shuler
All mass produces time dilation, and a reduced velocity of light isotropically, and for distant mass the effect is proportional to the inverse radius. In addition there is a radial reduction in...
13 May 2019 5,089 18 View
The Schrodinger experiment (intended to illustrate what he thought was the implausibility of a half-live half-dead cat state function, but now taken seriously by many) is modified to examine the...
11 May 2016 5,938 68 View
Static gravity, i.e. the Schwarzschild metric, depends mostly on the vacuum field equation: Ricci tensor = 0. Using notation from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deriving_the_Schwarzschild_solution...
02 September 2015 8,514 17 View
When antiparticles annihilate, all the energy from matter, EM, strong, weak and Higgs fields bound to the particles converts to a pair of photons, involving only EM energy. Across the moment of...
02 September 2015 9,580 74 View
I'm aware that the solution to xd/dxF(x)=F(x)(1-F(x)) is (1+1/Kx)-1, where K is an arbitrary constant. I'm looking for a similar equation with solution (1+1/Kx)-2. It's been a long time and I'm...
30 August 2015 4,305 21 View
Specifically, are they in or out of the plane of a scattering interaction (of which an orbit could be considered repeated scattering), and can they be emitted by mutually rotating objects between...
17 May 2015 5,439 59 View
In 1920 Eddington published a book Space, Time & Gravitation on general relativity which included an ingeniously simple derivation of light bending using general relativity. The book may be...
17 December 2014 1,967 47 View
A distant observer lowers a mass into a gravitational field using a tether. The tether may be considered massless and unstretchable (other than by relativity effects). If we assume the mass gets...
07 October 2014 9,020 15 View
There are a lot of gravity related discussions on RG in which bosons (gravitons) come up. Yet I know of no way bosons can create curved spacetime, which is a measurable fact in the solar system...
01 October 2014 4,046 30 View
This question is withdrawn.
14 August 2014 1,119 9 View
There is now an official NASA report of experimental results from Sonny White's team at JSC: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20140006052 . There are many news media reports (some of which...
03 August 2014 1,827 40 View
GR was introduced along with the principle that not only is no coordinate system preferred, but that any arbitrary coordinate system would do. The complex mathematical machinery of covariance was...
02 August 2014 9,236 67 View
I am looking for a way to take a particle position, mass and velocity (including both regular particles and photons), and calculate an integrable delta V, delta position increment, given a simple...
21 July 2014 5,738 53 View
Wormholes, within the theory of General Relativity, are microscopic and short lived, but many serious physicists have speculated openly and hoped that perhaps with negative energy (as yet...
05 November 2013 3,448 5 View