20 Questions 44 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Reza Azin
The gas recycling is known as a classic operation in oil and gas production. There are many objectives for gas recycling, including: pressure maintenance, gas storage, etc. My question is about...
08 May 2020 2,270 0 View
the diffusivity equation describes pressure profile during flow of fluids through porous media. this equation is normally written for single phase flow, i.e. either oil or gas flow. However, there...
17 May 2017 9,460 3 View
There are some forces active in oil and gas reservoirs, including capillary, viscous, gravity, diffusive, and convective forces. The magnitude of each force may be different from one case to...
29 April 2017 5,596 3 View
In Classical fluid mechanics, according to Navier-Stokes equation, the main forces acting on a flowing continuum include convection, molecular transport, and external forces. In the case of fluid...
07 April 2017 1,836 3 View
The routine and classical reservoir engineering divides the composite systems as either parallel, series, or a mix of both cases. In these systems, the overall systems permeability and porosity...
11 February 2017 3,169 11 View
Some references mention that the first gas injection project using CO2 was patented by Whorton, Brownscombe and Dyes from Atlantis Refining Company in 1952. However, this technology appears to be...
30 November 2016 4,438 8 View
Mercury Intrusion, also know as Mercury Injection, is a classical technique that provides an idea of pore sizes by injecting mercury into a core and plotting injected volume versus pressure at...
11 November 2016 8,531 6 View
The PVT and phase behavior studies of reservoir fluids are normally conducted regardless of existing residual fluids. For example, a single-phase gas reservoir is considered to be single phase...
27 February 2016 6,066 2 View
The carbonate reservoirs are generally known as oil-wet; however, our experience in the laboratory showed that not all types of carbonate rocks have the same wettability trend. Specially, the...
18 January 2016 3,527 9 View
Skin Factor is usually defined to account for additional pressure drop due to damage or stimulation around the wellbore in an oil / gas formation. The positive skin may be caused by such phenomena...
20 December 2015 6,189 9 View
There have been debates about the applicability of core flood test results to reservoir conditions. It is clear that a small plug can not represent a giant reservoir. However, core flooding is...
17 October 2015 740 1 View
For every industry, there are some important Key Performance Indicators, called KPIs, which can be considered as criteria for process efficiency, perfiamcnce and efficacy. My question refers to...
21 August 2015 7,271 8 View
There are many intelligent models developed in computer engineering, including fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, artificial neural network, and more recently, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System...
10 April 2015 2,598 2 View
It is well-known that the oil/gas flow rate increases when it flows towards a producing well in a reservoir. This can lead to alteration of flow regime when it approaches towards the well. I'd...
21 March 2015 7,480 13 View
The well-known Buckley-Leverret Theory is developed to study waterflowing problem in Oil recovery. My concern is whether the same theory is applicable to gas/liquid systems, with such applications...
29 July 2014 1,436 7 View
There are a number of commercial simulators used for reservoir engineering and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) applications. However, most do not have exta options for novel processes like surfactant...
29 July 2014 4,361 5 View
I am looking for some documents to describe the role of EOR techniques in increasing the oil recovery and the global income form EOR methods in Oil Market
21 July 2014 7,891 3 View
Henry's law is applied to predict solubility of gases in liquids. In the case of saline systems, Henry's constant is supposed to be different at different levels of salinity. I am seeking for...
20 June 2014 2,528 11 View
The interfacial tension is normally regarded as a fluid property. However, I think there could be some relationship between this property and rock characteristics in the pore scale.
09 May 2014 9,496 9 View
The injection of acid gas into underground deep formations requires a compressor. However, the non-ideal behavior of these gases makes them more liquid like when pressurized. How does this...
07 April 2014 2,164 2 View