25 Questions 42 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ramkumar Ponnuraj
Can anyone send a format for Module 3 for multivitamin and mineral product as we are adding overages and we do not possess any chemical compatibility test for vitamins....
10 October 2016 9,734 1 View
Hi, Is there any online software for finding the right emulsifying agent, either single or combination of emulsifying agents?
03 March 2016 7,182 0 View
Hi do anyone work with Nanobots in Medicine? Just curious to know what is the advancement in this field currently.
03 March 2016 1,521 0 View
Anyone aware about Miraculin? It is present in Miracle fruit.
02 February 2016 7,669 8 View
Hi is there any article or method to suspend an Oil as microparticles in a clear topical gel without affecting the content uniformity of the oil in the product? For eg Colgate with cooling...
02 February 2016 4,481 5 View
Hi, I downloaded design expert software as free trial. Recently it got expired. Anyone aware where can we get the factorial design software for free or as free trial. I am particularly interested...
09 September 2015 5,884 0 View
When a drug is size reduced, it develops static charge on them. What exactly is the mechanism involved in this?
06 June 2015 2,520 3 View
Hi, Please let me know if anyone could share Arrhenius plot spread sheet or online software to determine the shelf life of the product. I found xls in google but it is not pertaining to the...
04 April 2015 8,169 0 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Probit. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but about the...
12 December 2014 4,724 0 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Weibull. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but about...
12 December 2014 10,179 4 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Higuchi. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but about...
12 December 2014 2,158 0 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Baker Losdale. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but...
12 December 2014 938 0 View
Dear All There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Korsmeyer Peppas. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but...
12 December 2014 5,615 2 View
Dear All, There are lot of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Peppas Sahlin. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but...
12 December 2014 8,200 0 View
Dear All, There are lot of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Makoid Banakar. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but...
12 December 2014 9,371 0 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Hopfenberg. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but about...
12 December 2014 10,104 0 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Logistic. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but about...
12 December 2014 232 0 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Gompertz. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but about...
12 December 2014 6,083 0 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Quadratic. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but about...
12 December 2014 9,218 3 View
Dear All, There are lots of mathematical model in dissolution of drug. One of which is called Hixson Crowell. Any one aware what is the concept behind the model? I am not asking for equation but...
12 December 2014 6,159 1 View
Dear All, We thought to prepare proliposomes to be formulated as a tablet using lecithin. Please let me know how to check whether the liposomes are produced invitro using microscopic technique /...
12 December 2014 9,977 3 View
Dear All, We had prepared Nanoparticles and we plan to compress them into tablets for oral route delivery. This is to increase the Bioavailability of the drug. There are many articles that...
11 November 2014 1,861 5 View
Hi All, Zeta potential of a nanoparticles shall be measured by dispersing the nanoparticles in a disperse medium. How to select the disperse medium? Whether the Zeta potential of the...
11 November 2014 9,161 12 View
Hi, is there any methodology to be followed for sample preperation with respect to Nanoparticles as powder for TEM analysis? Whether the entrapped drug in the Nanoparticles will be visible if we...
11 November 2014 8,244 8 View
What is the impact of Zetapotential of a material in a drug product? What happens if Zetapotential is high and what happens if Zetapotential is low?
10 October 2014 4,360 4 View