20 Questions 345 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rajat Kumar Pradhan
Particle Size of course depends on the scale we are interested in. Still at a particular scale what will be the relative size?
05 May 2019 1,117 12 View
The uncertainty principle is said to forbid the existence of electrons in the nucleus as its constituents. They are formed just prior to or during beta decay. the energies which uncertainty...
03 March 2017 2,584 16 View
This has reference to the Feynman-Stuckelberg interpretation of negative enrgy solutions in QFTs. There seems to be no a priori reason why we should see only positive energies in forward time...
03 March 2016 9,408 65 View
The use of phrases like conscious power, conscious energy, conscious effort etc are very common. The fundamental physical forces are all unconscious we know. Can consciousness apply a fifth (or...
09 September 2015 8,007 5 View
So many times we come across accusations from the scientific community against people who try to do something that seemingly goes against accepted science, that they are doing pseudoscience. This...
07 July 2015 3,356 31 View
This refers to the recent experiments of Radin et al : 1) D. Radin, L. Michel, K. Galdamez, P. Wendland, R Rickenbach and A. Delorme Physics Essays, 25, 2, 157 (2012).2) D. Radin, L. Michel, J....
07 July 2015 8,862 84 View
This is a question on the foundations of physics on which I would like to get the opinion of fellow researchers on RG. We have so many principles, starting from the principle of least action...
03 March 2015 3,878 22 View
The algebra of angular momentum operators in QM are very general and apply equally well to orbital as well as spin angular momentum. However, when we are through with the algebra we get...
01 January 2015 8,315 28 View
We have two relativity theories so far-- Einstein's special and general theories dealing respectively with observers in inertial and non-inertial frames. There have been other relativity proposals...
01 January 2015 7,369 100 View
This question may sound a little funny to most of us, since it is presumed that the 1/(lambda)4 formula for Raleigh scattering does really explain the blueness of sky. However, there must be...
11 November 2014 953 24 View
Since sound waves are longitudinal elastic waves in material media, at the fundamental level they must be fluctuations of the electromagnetic field propagating through matter, thereby making the...
11 November 2014 6,760 17 View
The Poynting vector P = E X H is non-vanishing for a perfectly static situation like a charged capacitor with a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the electric field between its plates. How...
09 September 2014 10,179 39 View
This question struck me when answering another related one. But nevertheless I feel that it is a good enough question to be discussed more widely taking in respondents from all fields.
06 June 2014 991 19 View
I find it quite troublesome when people upload something queer or peculiar in place of their own photograph on their profile page. Had it been a hard copy submission they could not have done it....
04 April 2014 1,465 4 View
Much experimental research has been done in recent years on the various aspects of subjective duration and its dependence on various factors. Has anyone come up with any general equation that can...
01 January 2014 5,834 9 View
For physical work to be done, there must be displacement of the system, change in kinetic energy, change in potential energy or any combination of these. Especially, in situations involving living...
12 December 2013 5,819 36 View
Noether's theorem admits of only conservative forces/fields. If non-conservative forces exist, they would have deep implications for our standard understanding of the genesis and evolution of the...
12 December 2013 7,911 22 View
Sometimes we find the expression that time can be transformed away in in classical physics as well as in General relativity. That, the coordinate time can be made to disappear altogether as a...
12 December 2013 6,189 40 View
The electromagnetic H-atom has been solved in QM and QED. The ground state is the 1s state. But if Weak interaction is added, presumably the coupling to the neutrino field will lead to a capture...
11 November 2013 5,998 16 View
Is it a scientific explanation to call something "spontaneous" or for that matter "providential?" Like, Newton could have understood the falling of the apple as "spontaneous", rather than...
11 November 2013 6,114 43 View