13 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raghuram TR
HI all, I am trying to model the MEMS cantilever beam using getDP tool. I face the following doubts: 1) How and where to specify the point load (applied only at the free endpoint) in the problem?...
03 March 2018 3,884 0 View
Dear all, Please provide some good help / reference documents or texts to understand the Finite Element Analysis using getDP tool .It would be great if anyone can provide the detailed...
03 March 2018 901 3 View
Dear all, 1) I am a new to the area of Finite Element Analysis. I want to understand the Finite Element formulation for "MEMS Electrostatic Actuator" that can be applied to any FEA tool (say any...
03 March 2018 1,973 3 View
Hi all, Please suggest video lectures / reading materials to learn the fundamental Quantum mechanics related to micro/nano electronics (like Schrodinger's equation, density of states, energy...
11 November 2016 5,768 1 View
Hi all, I wanted to know the meaning of "Parameter Extraction" in semiconductor device modeling. (Say for instance. MOSFET). Could somebody explain in detail about this detailing the steps. Many...
07 July 2016 8,454 1 View
Dear All, There are many books in the market on Solid State Devices/ Semiconductor Physics. Could you please suggest few good ones to learn the topics in detail, for a clear and better...
12 December 2015 2,458 0 View
Hi All, Could you please explain me how to measure the Early Voltage of a BJT experimentally in lab (Undergraduate Electronic Devices Lab)? I am also interested to know the different parameters of...
12 December 2015 6,277 6 View
What is the relation between pH and Surface Potential developed in Electrolyte - Insulator - Semiconductor FET (EISFET) with a Reference Electrode? Does the Nernst equation imply this? I am also...
07 July 2014 7,640 4 View
Hi, Could anyone please give me the Surface Potential dependence on pH? Many papers give the equation based on Guoy- Chapman - Stern model but do not quote the actual values of the Surface...
06 June 2014 1,306 5 View
I need to add new additional parameters to the existing MOSFET model file in SPICE and thus obtain the VI characteristics and other plots for this new device? How can I achieve it? Can someone...
02 February 2014 9,929 12 View
Usually in many contexts, while substituting, it is assumed z=e^jw and s=jw (w=frequency). But actually, z=r*e^jw and s=σ + jw. Why do we assume r=1 and σ=0 always?
12 December 2013 4,674 22 View
How do we identify the four different types of FIR Filter (Type I,II,III and IV) based on the location of Zero(s) in the Pole-Zero plot?
12 December 2013 4,231 9 View
Could someone please describe half band filters and how to design them using FIR filters? What are its significance in multi-rate signal processing?
11 November 2013 7,357 4 View