6 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Prakash Singh
Hope you all are doing well!! I am wondering if anyone can suggest how to use the If statement to give the following condition in Comsol Multiphysics: source1(T), for time(t)= 0-2 sec, 0, for...
02 August 2022 304 2 View
Suppose a fluid is flowing between two parallel plates (and exchanging heat) for 100-time steps. So, there is an area-weighted Average temperature at every 10 steps. How can I write a UDF to...
30 November 2020 6,460 2 View
I am working on Magnetic cooling system, where for the solid domain, I have to invoke an additional variable source term (magnetocaloric energy) in the energy equation. How can I do that?
25 March 2020 4,309 6 View
In my case, heat source(MCE effect)= rho*Cp*(T_ad)/dt (W/m^3) where Cp and T_ad is a polynomial function of temperature. rho and dt are constant. I want to add this source term into...
01 January 1970 9,845 4 View
I am trying to simulate a turbulent flow over a PCM plate(2-D). I have used the k-epsilon model with enhanced wall function. A coupled algorithm is used. I have treated phase change material as a...
01 January 1970 5,612 5 View
Hello all!! There is a fluid flow problem, the boundary conditions at the inlet are as follows: V= .1 m/sec, T=305 K, Pressure=1300000 pa. I am using the velocity inlet option. What value should I...
01 January 1970 7,244 3 View