14 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Phụng Dương
Hi everyone, I am carryied out a GWAS with the sample size about 5000 control versus 5000 cases, and 260,000 variants at the beginning After the quality control with MAF at 0.05, I achieved only...
12 December 2019 6,766 3 View
Hello, I would like to calculate the foldchange of differentially expressed genes after I meta-analyzed 9 datasets. I have calculated the fold change of those genes in each datasets but I wonder...
31 May 2019 575 3 View
I am trying to analysis differential gene expression. There are some available methods for microarray data. And Limma seems quite useful because it is easy to draw volcanic plot after analyze...
11 February 2019 7,888 0 View
Hello, I am trying to do normalization the data of GSE8397 with MAS5.0 by using R: setwd("D:/justforR/GSE8397") source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite() library(affy) affy.data =...
11 January 2019 5,223 2 View
During meta-analysis, we have to do normalization data in preprocessing data steps and then we will analyze the different expressed genes. But after we do the normalization, how can we know that...
19 December 2018 875 4 View
I am studying about how to do normalization. At first, I think that people have to calculate the log2 ratio as a primary step to convert the T=R/G ratio in microarray into another simple number to...
18 December 2018 2,748 2 View
How can I distinguish the colony of the bacteria which can and can not form the spores? Is it based on the present of the spot at the central of the colony? Besides, I also wonder how we can know...
15 October 2017 4,452 1 View
Beside pH and temperature, are there any other factors effect on the activity of xanthine oxidase such as light, concentration or any else? Please give me some suggests and more details. Thanks so...
29 February 2016 9,491 2 View
Well, I am looking for a science research paper of applying stem cell in medicine. Do you have any? Please give me the information. And are there any cancer that can not cure by stem cell...
20 March 2015 6,857 3 View
I am learning microarray meta-analysis and heterogenity is a really essential test after we carry out meta-analysis. However, there are some points that I still do not understand: 1. There are 3...
01 January 1970 617 2 View
In microarray, there are 2 types of probes. I wonder why we need to use mismatch probe to know the gene expression? In addition, considering mutation, the substitution nucleotide can be vary a lot...
01 January 1970 2,182 6 View
Hello, there are so many ways to analysis the expression of gene and mRNA, but I wonder if we have a general unit to specific the expression of a gene (and this unit can use for all of methods)? I...
01 January 1970 5,253 2 View
Hello, I have read a paper about how to carry out meta-analysis in 5 datasets of microarray. The method they used is combing effect sizes. After they calculate the pooled effect size, they...
01 January 1970 9,733 4 View
The definition of an allele is available which is a variant form of a given gene. However, I wonder what is the threshold to make a mutation/ a variant/ a polymorphism become an allele? I mean a...
01 January 1970 4,668 6 View