12 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Paul Weber
Is it possible that the peak intensities of an MTSL-labeled protein+ligand be higher than the peak intensities of the unlabeled protein+ligand in 2D NMR? And what would that mean if it happened?
11 June 2023 2,653 4 View
How to determine transient interactions between ligand-protein using chemical shift, intensity, linewidth, volume, and other stuff in 2D NMR? I edited my question
16 April 2023 3,766 0 View
If the intensity of a peak is lower and/or the linewidth is higher, does it mean the specificity/affinity of the ligand is higher for that residue?
15 April 2023 4,177 4 View
In a ligand-protein binding 2D NMR study, what does it mean when there is no chemical shifts but there's a decrease in peak intensities and an increase in linewidths?
13 April 2023 2,794 6 View
I've done 15N hmqc to determine the interaction between ligand-protein. There was no chemical shifts in amino acids after adding the ligand. However, the peak heights of almost every residue were...
09 April 2023 5,946 3 View
I'd like to concentrate my eluted plasmid DNA by heating it up in a thermocyler. The plasmid is eluted in water, and I don't have access to a speedvac right now. Would it damage my plasmid?
31 October 2021 4,595 6 View
Is it ok to use water for injection (WFI) instead of ddh2o for molecular biology work, such as pcr or dna purification?
13 June 2021 2,472 4 View
I tried to transform the pET32a plasmid in dh5 alpha cells a couple of times. The first time I got no colonies after spreading the bacteria on the ampicillin plate, and the second time I only got...
13 March 2021 3,856 9 View
The recommended amount of DNA for restriction digestion is 1ug in a 50ul rx I've got around 500-600ng of DNA in a total volume of 35ul. Would I get satisfactory results with this amount of DNA for...
01 February 2021 1,006 6 View
I did a gradient PCR from 44C to 66C and got two different bands after gel electrophoresis. I used 10ng plasmid DNA as the template, 0.3mM primers, and the total reaction volume was 20ul. The...
14 December 2020 4,434 21 View
Based on this paper The P1 ' specificity of tobacco etch virus protease ,TEV protease can cleave between the Gln and several amino-acids (besides Gly/Ser) with acceptable efficiency in its...
27 November 2020 6,150 4 View
I've been trying to recover some bacterial cells by streaking them on agar plates, without success. The stock has been kept in good conditions. But, there is a white pellet at the end of the...
25 November 2020 5,753 8 View