9 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Pandi Pitchai
Dear all, How to extract the strain concentration tensor while using the Mori and Tanaka formulation built into Abaqus in the input file. Please advise me on how to extract this value from the...
13 February 2023 9,780 2 View
Dear All, I am facing defining the sub caption issue in the Springer LaTeX file. If I define the sub caption in the Tex file, it exhibits an error while compiling. In general, Springer, LaTeX...
18 October 2020 6,645 2 View
Dear All, How to define different values of fracture energy for each mode by using the principle of pure mode independent behavior in abaqus. particularly using cohesive surface approach. Thank you
21 March 2018 9,993 4 View
Dear all, I would like to know whether the selection of RVE for numerical analysis from the periodic fiber distribution of micro structure is size dependent or not. Lets, say If I selected RVE...
22 May 2017 9,312 3 View
Hi Every one, I would like to model 3D Berkovic indenter in ABAQUS. Could you please any one know how to initiate this indenter modelling in abaqus without depending any other tool.
16 March 2017 4,091 2 View
Dear all, I am performing contact analysis for predicting the debonding mechanism between the matrix and the inclusion by using bilinear traction separation cohesive surface method. This cohesive...
11 August 2016 622 5 View
I would like to perfeorm a test with making zero tensile stress and for which I am looking constitutive model which has the ability describe the zero tensile strength. Is this kind of model...
02 March 2016 6,316 3 View
Hi all, I have a square unit cell model which consist of various percentage inclusion of ceramic material so that while meshing the domain of matrix and inclusion using quadrilateral element...
07 August 2015 2,069 4 View
Hi, I am working micro mechanical analysis of the composite material by using GTN model. I am encountering the macroscopic and microscopic local phenomenon in the composite is completely depends...
06 June 2015 4,300 10 View