14 Questions 35 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Pallavi Dasgupta
I am studying Cyclic Voltammetry using screen-printed electrodes. However, I am observing a shift in peak potential each time. Kindly advise regarding the possible reasons for this and also...
06 June 2018 8,321 0 View
In the conventional 3-electrode setup, I am using glassy carbon as working electrode, platinum as counter electrode and platinum wire as reference electrode. Can it be used in this configuration?...
01 January 2018 7,527 8 View
In electrochemistry, Faradic processes are governed by Faraday's law which states that the extent of the chemical reaction caused by flow of current is proportional to the amount of electricity...
07 July 2017 3,429 0 View
I am presently using Cyclic Voltammetry and Chronoamperometry. I need suggestions for a book or software that enables detailed analysis of the voltammogram. Regards
07 July 2016 6,821 1 View
My reaction mixture contains 3M HCl which makes it very acidic. I want to understand if such a low pH would degrade creatinine in any way.
01 January 1970 1,350 4 View
I am exploring the chemistry of Creatinine. I want to know which transition metals react with Creatinine to form ligands. Also is there any unique metal that forms a ligand exclusively with...
01 January 1970 450 14 View
I am exploring the complex formation between ferric chloride and creatinine. However, I am unable to find any literature regarding this complex and the stoichiometric ratio of iron required for...
01 January 1970 9,322 3 View
I am trying to develop an electrochemical sensor. I have pasted a filter paper on top of the screen printed electrode to minimize interferences. However, the results are not repeatable. I am...
01 January 1970 5,625 15 View
I am trying to develop electrochemical biosensor using screen printed electrode. The sensor gives good response in blank solutions. However, in presence of proteins, such as albumin, the signal...
01 January 1970 6,430 7 View
I am trying to analyze the electrochemical behavior of FeCl3. The CV of FeCl3 indicated a reduction peak current at 0.08V. So what values of potential should I take as initial and high potential...
01 January 1970 5,678 3 View
I am studying the electrochemical behaviour of FeCl3 in the presence of a protein that forms a ligand with FeCl3. According to the reaction, with increasing concentration of the protein, more...
01 January 1970 2,628 4 View
I am trying to prepare alkaline picric acid solution by dissolving picric acid in 1 M NaOH solution but I am unable to dissolve even 9 mg of picric acid in 10 ml of alkali.
01 January 1970 9,713 2 View
I am trying to detect a biomolecule and intend to minimize interfering albumin. kindly guide me if I can use any salt to denature or precipitate albumin. I tried simply mixing albumin with 75%...
01 January 1970 5,697 4 View
I am trying to estimate the concentration of a biomolecule in presence of proteins using cyclic voltammetry. Due to interferences posed by proteins, the sampling volume has been diluted around 10...
01 January 1970 6,881 12 View