14 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Naveed Ahmed
Dear Community, I would like a question regarding the use of Partial Least Square Regression Analysis. Basically ,I am confused in units. For example, I have Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 land cover and...
29 November 2023 1,302 1 View
Dear Researchers, I have created the soil user file and now working of LULC file. I have done almost all only remaining are following: Townland and Ruralland Both belongs to urban landcover, so...
20 June 2019 5,643 3 View
Dear Researchers, I am applying interpolation by kriging method using GIS and interpolation did not cover the whole of area under consideration. How to do this? Please guide me. Regards Naveed
04 December 2018 259 12 View
Dear Researchers, I have daily flows data 1961-2015 and some of the months flows data is missing. This missing period varied; 1 mont, 1.5 months, 7 months, randomly. I would like to ask how to...
03 November 2018 7,905 12 View
Dear Researcher, Please share the websites from where I can download the GCMs data for Qingha Tibet Plateau China. I am using SDSM for temperatures and Precipitations downscaling. Regards Naveed.
27 October 2018 5,969 5 View
Dear Researchers, I would like to request that if anybody have Budyko Frame work in excel (Macro), or MATLAB code or any other userfriendly tool for water balance study induced by climate change....
26 October 2018 1,124 3 View
Dear Researchers, I would like to ask that Thiessen Polygons method is useful for temperatures and precipitations analysis in high elevation areas approx. 3000-4800 meter m.s.l. The area is mainly...
22 October 2018 2,952 4 View
Dear Researcher, I would like to ask that, 30m x 30m grid size Soil data is freely available. Please share the link, if available freely. Thanks in anticipaton. Kind Regards Naveed.
19 October 2018 9,496 5 View
Dear Researchers, I want to know some clarification about the calculations of DTRs. By definitation DTR is the "the difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperatures". If Temp.Max= -3...
01 June 2018 6,391 4 View
Dear Researchers, Please, let me know which is the best Statistical Downscaling Technique for Precipitations and Temperatures. I have to use 20 GCMs data. If anybody have developed own code using...
20 April 2018 9,477 12 View
Dear Researchers, I want to detect vegetation changes in the permafrost areas and I downloaded AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g images from this website. https://nex.nasa.gov/nex/projects/1349/ I tried to get...
20 March 2018 5,676 3 View
I want to identfy the vegetation cover in cold regions, please let me know which software is best, ERDAS Imagery, ENVI , GIS? Regards. Naveed
09 March 2018 5,144 13 View
For my research work, I want to know which model is best for permaforst hydrology (focusing on surface water flow and ground water recharge) under changing climate and vegetation cover.
06 March 2018 2,452 2 View
I want to know that SWAT model can be used permaforst hydrology (focusing on surface water flow and ground water recharge) under changing climate and vegetation cover. If yes, then what are the...
06 March 2018 4,991 11 View