15 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Najmul Hasan
How can we make a good lysis buffer for the skin tissue for the western blotting and what should its composition be? Is there any particular protocol for Western blot analysis of skin tissues?
14 September 2020 7,163 3 View
Atoms are neutral while electrons and protons are charged particles. Where do they get their charge from?
04 May 2017 5,657 13 View
TiO2 is capable to accept electron from an electron donor but has a limit for acceptance, how this limit of electron acceptance can be increased so that more and more electrons are drawn from the...
20 July 2015 6,220 3 View
How much time for hydration of the surface of TiO2 should be provided before the photo-catalytic degradation studies of Organic pollutants. I have seen as 24hours in some articles and some...
02 May 2015 2,925 3 View
These days more than few labs are performing only chemical analysis for purity of antibiotics without performing it's bio-assay. Is this practice is enough? Only chemical assay is enough or both...
13 August 2014 4,022 4 View
1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (DNFB), and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (DNCB) can both be used for derivatization of primary amines, comparatively which one would be better for HPLC...
02 August 2014 3,951 2 View
Is there any LC-UV analytical method available for quantitative determination of Trypsin and/or Chymotrypsin?
19 July 2014 3,149 1 View
Talking with colleagues, it seems that the possible usefulness of an HPLC method development software repeatedly comes into the analyst's mind during the development of a tough HPLC/UPLC assay....
15 April 2014 8,310 1 View
In forced degradation studies for API/drug product we are performing hydrolysis (acid, base & water), Oxidation, Photolysis and thermal degradation conditions. But why we are not performing reduction.
28 January 2014 2,505 4 View
How can I get the double divisor ratio spectra method for ternary components analysis, while using double beam 1650PC Shimadzu spectrophotometer, I can not understand the methods produced in few...
20 January 2014 5,898 1 View
I have developed Silver NPs with PEG-PVP combinations but sometimes I get various coloration changes, I do not understand which colour is the endpoint of my reaction between precursor and reducing...
02 January 2014 2,846 8 View
Can someone guide me thoroughly?
28 September 2013 5,766 3 View
Could you please explain what is the motto for developing this method to analyse these drugs simultaneously? I mean what is the significance of this method and why did you chose these drugs to be...
01 January 2013 4,960 3 View
If Linearity is performed for determining the minimum and possible maximum strength of formulated product, then is it necessary to perform Linearity separately for LOD and LOQ determination or...
31 December 2012 4,905 3 View
Publishing a review article in good impact factor journal is to tough than a research paper, why? what are the major requirements for a good review?
30 August 2012 3,704 41 View