7 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nadal Ashi
Hey, I know that sakaguchi test works for detection of arginine. However, I wonder if it works for detection of cRGD as well. I found some articles stating that it does, but I couldn't find any...
16 July 2021 7,585 0 View
What is the refractive index and viscosity of FBS and PBS to be used in DLS measurements. Please bear in mind, we dont have refractometer or viscometer in the lab. So, what are the values we...
22 April 2019 6,479 5 View
So, I have made nanoparticles capped with oleic acid and want to do their ftir but the problem i am facing is that i am unable to get them to dry because of the polymer (they are dispersed in...
21 February 2019 766 7 View
I tried to synthesize oleic acid capped Fe3O4 nanoparticles and much to my surprise, they provide a strange XRD pattern (when started from 5 degrees (2 theta)). It shows a peak at ~7 (50% relative...
23 October 2018 4,973 7 View
Hi I would like to know the reason as to why most papers report that coating of unordered silica before adding a shell of mesoporous silica over it. Thanks
25 May 2017 2,348 2 View
I have multiple papers telling that Folate receptors are over expressed in some cancer cells. I would to know, why is it so?
06 December 2016 918 1 View
Hey Guys, I am about to set up a drug release experiment and it requires the pH of buffer to be tumorigenic to mimic tumors. I went through literature and it tells that people have used pH ranging...
23 November 2016 6,321 5 View