19 Questions 155 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mustafa A Adhab
I observed the attached symptoms on Eucalyptus. Do you have any idea what causes these symptoms? When I tried to remove it, in was hard to be removed. It looks like tumors. Thanks in...
02 February 2020 1,611 11 View
Is there any scale for setting voltage/current in running Western blot transfer? Is it different when using different sizes of gel?
12 December 2015 9,860 5 View
I have some data that I need to find 50% value for. The chart consists of the period (days) as X axis values and percentages as Y axis values. I was trying to find a way to determine the 50% value...
07 July 2015 1,375 9 View
I am trying to purify a plasmid from agrobacterium using Alkaline Lysis method, but it seems very difficult to get it done. Has anybody tried to purify any plasmid from Agro? How? What is the best...
01 January 2015 2,847 9 View
Hi, I wonder if there is anybody who could help with distribution and identification of turnip aphids. What is the most popular ID key used to identify this species? Where have turnip aphids been...
12 December 2014 4,717 6 View
Is there any difference between using an eppindorf plastic tube and using a glass tube for diluting the antibodies and the conjugate that are using in ELISA test? I have heard that if I use a...
08 August 2014 3,197 11 View
I want to save some turnip aphid samples temporarily, so I can send them for identification later. I want to know if I can use ethanol and at what percent and is there any other special way to...
07 July 2014 937 13 View
Hi, I have heard that some universities started using RG score as one of the criteria that evaluate the excellence of their faculty members. They are thinking about making the RG score in their...
05 May 2014 8,614 10 View
Can anybody suggest a scientific journal (or journals) in Biology or Agriculture accepting review articles without invitation (article submitted directly and reviewed)? I am looking for a free of...
05 May 2014 6,958 20 View
Some researchers stay at their labs until midnight or maybe later. Some of these people enforce their students to do so, but I see that none of them produce more than other people who leave their...
05 May 2014 8,276 7 View
I have a clone cut by an enzyme and the result of that cut is two bands, which are 12000 bp and 8000 bp. On 1% agarose I was not able to isolate DNA from gel because they appear at the same site...
04 April 2014 5,255 24 View
I was trying to make a full-length clone of a circular double-stranded DNA virus genome. The genome is 7,753bp in length. A Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) was applied with a commercial RCA kit...
04 April 2014 9,719 1 View
I have experienced some difficulty in cloning one of my inserts. I could get this insert into 2000 bp vector, but I've tried several times to get it into 4000 bp vector, for different experiment...
04 April 2014 8,433 20 View
I wonder if Google Scholar can recognize papers on RG and count citation accordingly. Anyone has any thoughts about such cases? I mean an article published only on Research Gate and Google...
01 January 1970 4,767 19 View
While detecting the Mi-9 gene that is responsible for providing resistance to nematodes in tomato, we used C8B primer sets to amplify the genes. after crossing several parents that carry the gene...
01 January 1970 1,797 8 View
What causes the abnormal leafy ears in corn? We have seen this abnormal ears at the end of the season in corn. Usually, at the edges of the field. Not sure about the center of the field (we have...
01 January 1970 6,139 9 View
We have a cucumber wilt that is spreading in greenhouses. I have done some search online and found similar cases in the area (I posted the photos that is similar to the case we have). Please...
01 January 1970 6,096 9 View
If I have a plant leaf with Alternaria sp. infection. Is there a commercial kit to extract the fungal DNA only? OR the plant DNA ?
01 January 1970 1,521 11 View
How many people have died because of the Coronavirus infection compared to people who got infected? Is not it real that seasonal flu kills more people every year than Coronavirus does? How is it...
01 January 1970 3,295 34 View