7 Questions 54 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Usman Munir
What are the main factors that may be helpful for a young researcher to uplift his research aptitude? Valuable comments will be appreciated.
27 January 2017 9,181 7 View
Can we calculate % porosity for nonporous/macroporous materials. According to my understanding, nonporous materials have no pores so how it will be possible to calculate % porosity for such...
22 October 2016 5,481 5 View
I have used ASAP 2020 and obtained all isotherms except DFT with an error; * The analysis gas (N2) does not match the model gas (AR).* The analysis temperature (77.298K) does not match the model...
21 October 2016 8,044 5 View
I want to ask from researchers especially having knowledge about FTIR spectroscopy that the attached spectra of FTIR represent what type of groups. please specify the groups. answers will be...
20 May 2016 4,776 16 View
Is there anyone researcher who can tell me that how we can generate excel/notepad file of FTIR spectra for X-axis and Y-axis values. After sample scanning, I found only FTIR spectra but not values...
10 May 2016 193 16 View
Can anyone researcher describe me that how we can obtain standard curve of Azithromycin, either water is used as solvent or any other organic solvent?
15 January 2016 7,529 2 View
The size of the particles and their adjuvant activity in vaccines have been controversial because some researchers showed that larger particles were more potent than smaller particles while others...
15 October 2015 6,207 8 View