7 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohsen Rahmani
Which book is better to study the mechanical engineering design course? What is your suggestion about a reference to teach the students?
13 March 2020 6,041 9 View
As you know, FGMs usually include metal and ceramic. Also, These materials have been used in high temperature environments. Based on the references, there are few temperature dependent materials...
24 February 2020 7,009 4 View
As you know there are many theories to model the sandwich conical structures, and there are some methods to model the mechanical properties of FGM. But, the important question is that are these...
14 February 2020 508 3 View
As you know, many papers have been published by the authors to investigate the FGMs. There are some questions about these materials. 1. Is it enough to study about these materials or not? 2. What...
01 January 1970 4,321 5 View
Now, after many papers in sandwich structure, What is the gap in this modern structure that must be studied by the researchers, in your opinion?
01 January 1970 8,716 2 View
Is there any book that describes the relation between mechanics and philosophy?
01 January 1970 5,382 5 View
As you know, verification the results is an important step of the paper. sometimes the results of the paper and references are not coincident. What would you do if the results of your paper were...
01 January 1970 7,633 14 View