15 Questions 67 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohd Qasim
I am preparing nanoparticle based drug nano carriers. I have seen in literature people discussing about 'long term stability' of nanocarrier. Long term stability' refer to how many hours or days...
30 May 2017 9,733 8 View
why the crystallinity of iron oxide nanopowder increased on calcination ? As prepared sample is showing less crystallinity than calcined one. why. what is happing actually? Any suitable paper?
05 May 2017 8,427 3 View
can more than one model fit for the same drug release profile. Is is required to fit each one by one and check fitting?
19 September 2016 6,805 3 View
Magnetic NPs can be prepared by gel combustion method. We take nitrate of Metal ions with suitable fuels such as glycine, citric acid etc. Aqueous mixture is heated to give gel and finally auto...
24 August 2016 2,878 8 View
Is the indirect method (free drug concentration in supernatant) considered as exact as the indirect one? which method one is more reliable?
25 February 2016 531 6 View
I want to know that if we perform 2 hrs degassing and 12 hours degassing separately of mesoporous metal oxide (silica) does it will effect of BET surface area. Temperature is 150 oC.
18 September 2015 8,968 14 View
Degassing of sample are done before BET measurement. Some report says around 10-12 hour degassing time. Some report mention only 5-6 hours. I want to know how much degassing time have effect on...
16 September 2015 5,289 12 View
I want to know can we find particles size of mesoporous nanoparticles using BET. I am more concerned about porous than the nonporous. How important is the density of particles in this regard?
13 December 2014 8,266 4 View
Please see attached.
23 November 2014 5,270 16 View
How much sample is required for BET measurement? Please tell me the minimum quantity that we must use.
17 November 2014 3,297 4 View
Generally cell viability of nanoparticle-treated samples should be less than the control one (100%). But sometimes it shows more than 100%. Is it due to some increment or growth in the number of...
14 November 2014 1,794 20 View
I want to do TEM of nano-particles treated fungal cell to localize the nanoparticles within it. Is there any special requirement or precaution that we should take while doing TEM of cells. Please...
08 November 2014 3,298 3 View
Many preparation methods are there such as coprecipitation, autocombustion, high temperature decomposition of organic precursors, reverse micelle method etc. My requirement is mono-dispersed...
06 November 2014 3,885 10 View
generally people use Fe3O4. Please , suggest any other more suitable.
06 November 2014 5,395 3 View
As generated ROS has a major role in antibacterials activity of nanoparticles(Ag). I want to know how Ag species help to generate ROS?
04 November 2014 3,080 5 View