35 Questions 780 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Miranda Yeoh
Malaysia is just ONE of the countries with an aging population; there are other such countries. "Malaysia's population is ageing at a faster rate than many may have realised. The average life...
21 October 2015 6,998 52 View
Can we have an education system that prepares young minds to be TOLERANT of other cultures and religions? Can we have an education system that teaches our young people to ACCEPT DIFFERENCES?...
11 October 2015 9,848 60 View
Recently we had a meeting to reflect on how our college had performed in the last semester. Just like other pre-university colleges, we continually need to improve student quality in academic...
03 January 2015 5,603 58 View
I am looking for journals to cite on the POSITIVE EFFECTS of music on any of these broad areas: brain development, coordination, spatial IQ, cognitive IQ, overcoming learning disabilities,...
19 August 2014 7,076 32 View
The cost of health care seems to be increasing all this while. The reasons include 'higher prices for medical services, paying for volume over value, defensive medicine, use of new technologies...
16 July 2014 715 43 View
At times we have a bad cold or flu, but we know that while paracetamol is able to reduce the fever and the muscle pains, it is not the cure. Do you take it with enthusiasm? Besides paracetamol,...
13 June 2014 9,235 32 View
Sports diplomacy describes the use of sport as a means to influence diplomatic, social and political relations. Sports diplomacy may transcend cultural differences and bring people together. The...
12 June 2014 7,367 33 View
NCDs are now the leading causes of death, accounting for >60 % of all deaths globally. It's a problem in developed countries, and also in developing countries like Malaysia. NCDs bring serious...
25 May 2014 1,119 40 View
The study of health sciences is often compartmentalized: human diseases, live-stock diseases, wild animal diseases. Some of us grew up thinking that doctors were responsible for human health, and...
24 May 2014 1,090 11 View
When I browsed, I find a few links: https://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/waterstewardship/iwmp/index.html http://usfloodcontrol.com/ Is your expertise in this area? What systems would be needed to...
19 May 2014 9,907 91 View
Is any RG member researching longevity? How do we reconcile different findings on calorie restriction diet? How is the progress of research in...
12 May 2014 3,799 21 View
Many of you have taught thousands of students. On reflection, what are the qualities of students you have met, who persist longer even when it is difficult to attain an education goal? Can you...
02 May 2014 659 33 View
Have you tried to increase awareness and interest in science phenomena. Does stimulating interest and curiosity in science phenomenon increase student motivation to learn science? I must admit...
30 April 2014 3,730 73 View
My students spend a lot of time on FB. When I asked, "Do you get into FB everyday?"; a student responded, "Every hour, madam". What are the effects on them that you noted? What is our role as...
22 April 2014 3,475 80 View
I quote: 'It is a fallacy to paint a beautiful picture that everything is perfect here in Malaysia with 100% full employment as if it is Utopia.'
18 April 2014 8,575 33 View
Would you recommend arts subjects for science students? Did you, as a scientist, benefit from learning these subjects?
04 April 2014 5,207 53 View
After the first year of teaching in this place, the Microsoft office was removed from my computer, and replaced with Open Office. The latter is free. How familiar are you with free and open source...
01 April 2014 9,037 25 View
For our action research, we are reflecting all the time: before, during and after. The research is not just to produce some effects on our students, but on us, the researchers as well. What are...
01 April 2014 3,286 44 View
In the recent weeks there were 3 aircraft 'incidents', one of which was fatal. So is driving preferable? Is road safety comparable to aviation safety?
30 March 2014 6,436 47 View
Each one of us has certain preferences concerning what research activities we would like to do. What are your preferences? What is your favorite research topic? Do you like doing conventional...
20 March 2014 1,447 29 View
I want to do a research on K12 students' motivation for Science learning. Are you willing to translate the questionnaire to your native language, and run the reliability? Can you share resources...
27 January 2014 7,508 91 View
In my institution, we have this system that is called IPPA (Indeks Pencapaian Prestasi Akademik or Academic Performance Index). Each semester, a lecturer gets a score that is the average grade of...
18 December 2013 1,794 72 View
Is BYOD going to be an advantage or disadvantage to us, educators, in the classroom? How can we be adapted to this? I appreciate links and papers on this matter. Let's make this question of...
15 November 2013 5,483 36 View
In my country, dengue cases have increased from around 18000+ in 2012, to 28000+ this year. Deaths due to this viral disease has also increased from 21 to more than 60 this year. How about in your...
10 November 2013 7,333 11 View
Recently, my health minister mentioned about the use of a genetically modified mosquito, in the control of dengue fever. Having been a victim of DENV, I would be glad for measures to control the...
08 November 2013 2,645 1 View
Or information on the progress in the development of its vaccine? The vector is the Aedes mosquito; and the DENV (dengue fever virus) is an RNA virus.
06 November 2013 3,187 5 View
Several countries have come up with education plans for the 21st century. Skills and knowledge that are needed for 21st century learners are spelled out, based on values like honesty, and...
04 November 2013 4,152 66 View
Now, we have many ICT tools to facilitate our teaching and research processes. I believe that we need to be reasonably versatile at using these tools. Even though we are not trained in IT, we need...
30 October 2013 8,550 8 View
Recently, some teachers and lecturers were told to take charge of our own professional development. We were told to organize our own courses and workshops. How is it with your organization?
28 October 2013 4,481 5 View
Recently, the performance of students of my country in international assessments was rather poor. We found ourselves in the bottom third! In the past, we were in the top one-third. So this is a...
28 October 2013 4,556 8 View
Each country would have drawn up these education plans, based on what is important to their society. What has been proposed for the education of the y-generation and the 'millenials', in your...
16 October 2013 9,900 13 View
In my country, general practitioners also provide (sell) the medicine. What do you think of this practice? Please share your views concerning the advantages or disadvantages of this practice....
03 October 2013 6,605 30 View
Has anyone carried out any research in this? Some of my friends go to medical doctors, but they do not seem to have confidence in the medicine/s prescribed. They prefer their traditional...
19 September 2013 5,853 96 View
My students learn biology and other sciences in English. Recently they had the Mid-semester test. Two of my 90 students had an F grade. When I checked their answers I found they had many...
23 August 2013 490 47 View
I have searched two international biology books. Both show that the protons come from glycerol. But I thought that glycerol is like alcohol, that means it contributes the hydroxyl group. On the...
24 June 2013 6,479 7 View