17 Questions 94 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mir Aamir Abbas
For the acoustic design of an enclosure, is it enough if the natural frequencies of the enclosure do not match the frequency of the sound generated? Such an approach to vibration would be fine. Is...
31 October 2023 7,291 3 View
The Euler-Bernoulli formula for beams is not valid for short beams (beams with length less than the depth). So, Is the torsion formula for circular shafts applicable to short shafts?
28 April 2022 2,142 1 View
In the laminar flow past a cylinder, the net force acting on the cylinder is zero. Will it be still be zero if it is replaced by another symmetric shape (for instance a triangular section prism)?
27 May 2021 1,995 1 View
Are acoustics and Fluid mechanics related? I am good in solid mechanics and wish to learn fluid mechanics. Will learning acoustics serve as a bridge between the two?
29 May 2020 8,489 7 View
In a structural dynamic wave propagation problem, is the displacement at a point a continuous function of time or is it a continuous function of time only after the wave reaches the point?
10 April 2020 4,117 5 View
Are open source FEA software like codeaster, calculix etc. used in the industry? Which companies use them? Thanks in advance.
07 March 2020 5,433 4 View
If transient dynamic simulations do not require any assumption of laminar, transitional or turbulent flow, why is not used for all CFD simulations? Is there no reason other than computational expense?
18 December 2019 8,287 4 View
Can we use artificial intelligence to automate meshing in FEA? The resulting program should be able to identify holes and create washers, simply the geometry create connections automatically,...
10 December 2019 2,750 3 View
What causes turbulence in fluids. Why does a relatively high velocity cause turbulence? What causes the particles to not follow laminar flow at high Reynolds number? Thanks in advance for the answers.
02 November 2019 5,635 37 View
Which is more damaging? Case1.: A man on roller skates moving at 30 km/hr rams into a stationary car Case2.: A car moving at 30 km/hr with its engine switched off rams into a stationary man on...
15 October 2019 8,549 9 View
We all know that the linear damage theory has limitations like loss of amplitude sequence effects but is there a better theory for that?
13 February 2019 6,630 2 View
Is it possible to produce zero gravity condition on earth. It is possible for a freely falling system. But is it possible in a static system? Can we sort of " insulate" against gravity?
20 November 2018 7,776 13 View
Hello friends. As per the high cycle fatigue theory, as the stress increases, the fatigue life decreases drastically and this correlates well with the S-N curve obtained from testing. However, if...
31 August 2018 1,952 2 View
Friends, I am trying to understand how the natural frequencies evolves with the speed of rotation. I tried plotting Campbell diagram for a flat circular disc. I found that forward whirls increased...
01 August 2018 2,356 1 View
Friends, I am a beginner in CFD. I have been trying to model fluid flow through a pipe. I have defined the inlet velocity, inlet pressure and outlet pressure apart from the wall boundary...
19 June 2018 1,335 7 View
Is damping coefficient of 1-DOF system (simple spring-mass-damper system) dependent on the shape of the mass? Is the usage of 2% damping ratio for the first mode of all metallic structures...
13 December 2017 8,086 4 View
Is it possible to simulate a drop test using an implicit FEA solver? Can we simulate the rigid body motion when it is falling?
07 December 2017 1,320 2 View