13 Questions 58 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Milad Fallah
Output power changes on the optical fiber sensor for hydrogen gas have been illustrated. Why does the Pd-Cu sensor show no sensitivity at low hydrogen percentages while the Pd sensor does? Why...
02 January 2024 2,164 2 View
The band gap results for CuSe and Ni-doped CuSe, according to the Tauc plot and the mathematical DITM (Derivation Ineffective Thickness Method) model, in which thickness and type of transition...
30 December 2023 572 2 View
We know that electron mobility is higher than hole mobility because the effective mass of an electron is less than that of a hole. However, if we ask why the effective mass of an electron...
15 December 2023 3,512 11 View
Why are other elements such as calcium, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon and molybdenum visible in the EDX spectrum of tapered optical fiber (SMF‐28) covered with palladium and copper...
02 December 2023 7,388 4 View
Why is it that after annealing, while the size of the particles has become smaller and the crystallinity has decreased with XRD, and the electrical conductivity has decreased, but the band gap has...
22 October 2023 5,926 4 View
What could be the reason for this situation in the AFM image? Is what is marked a DEFECT? and why. This is an image (AFM) for ZnO prepared by Sputtering method with -200 V as bias voltage and...
21 October 2023 7,828 4 View
Is it possible to produce a degenerate semiconductor using a dopant agent that results in increasing the electrical conductivity, but the optical band-gap remains unchanged? In such a situation...
12 December 2020 8,571 13 View
Why does light interact with the free electrons of a nanoparticle when its wavelength is larger than the dimensions of the nanoparticle?
14 September 2020 9,195 4 View
We fabricated sol-gel spin coated thin films with thicknesses of about 30, 40 and 50 (nm), and roughness of 45, 55 and 80 (nm), respectively. The preparation processes were the same for all...
09 August 2018 9,735 9 View
Is there any reference to identifying the peaks at FT-IR spectra related to Thallium?
01 January 1970 9,669 3 View
Is it possible to have a lower electron lifetime in 0.6 wt. % Ag@TiO2 core-shell than that of 0.2 wt. % Ag@TiO2, while the sample with 0.6 wt. % Ag has reached to higher short circuit current...
01 January 1970 3,064 3 View
In the process of doping in semiconductors: 1: How can a dopant atom take the place of a host atom in a crystal lattice? In fact, with what power can the dopant atom prevent the host atom from...
01 January 1970 9,185 4 View
In RF sputtering, the typical growth rate of ZnO at power of 100 W is about 50 - 100 nm per hour. Our films were grown at 100W for 20 min and the tickness of the film from the cross sectional...
01 January 1970 2,330 2 View