12 Questions 42 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Miguel Centellas
I have a subnational-level dataset that includes census and election data. The census years don't match up with election years, so I want to impute data for some important variables (e.g....
22 March 2017 7,230 1 View
I'm teaching a seminar on democracy in Latin America that will rely heavily on empirical measurement using publicly available datasets. One of the datasets I want my students to use is the...
08 December 2016 1,710 2 View
I'm running some regressing with a set of variables that are highly autocorrelated. Not surprising since one is an interaction term of the other. These are: effective number of parties (ENP),...
18 March 2016 969 26 View
I want to calculate population density for Bolivia's municipalities. I have census data, but it doesn't have area (superficie) and I'm having trouble finding it. Help? I want to run some simple...
03 November 2015 8,082 15 View
I'm looking for election data for Israel since the 1980s that disaggregates party votes by region. I want to use this for a subnational analysis of voter trends, with a focus on the evolution of...
03 November 2015 1,878 4 View
I have Bolivian census data for 2001 and 2012. There are noted discrepancies between the two, particularly the significant drop (as % of total) for "indigenous" population between the two....
01 July 2015 3,536 14 View
Does anyone know where I can find a reliable dataset on income inequality for Latin American countries from 1900-1970? In particular, I'm looking for Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina, but would be...
14 March 2015 4,111 4 View
I'm specifically interested in electoral volatility. It measures the aggregate change in votes across all parties between two elections. But what if the distance between elections (in years)...
02 February 2015 6,133 2 View
I am looking for seats (by party) for Ecuador and Peru for 1900-1945 (I have the data for post-1940s) for a project I'm working on. So far I've been unable to find anything other than election...
22 January 2015 837 7 View
I am trying to calculate the effective number of parties, based on seats (not votes), for several countries. Currently, I am stuck on the question of how to deal with the residual "other" category...
14 January 2015 4,513 12 View
I am looking for seats (by party) for Brazil for 1900-1945 (I have the data for post-1945) for a project I'm working on. So far I've been unable to find anything other than election results...
06 January 2015 2,920 5 View
Decades ago, Laakso and Taagepera developed a measure for effective number of parties, using data for Europe in the mid-20th century. Since, then, that measure (or similar ones, like Golosov's)...
29 December 2014 3,899 5 View