25 Questions 57 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Merisa Bradley
There is a lot of thoughts on gullibility being a component of intellectual disability. I have been reading works on open-minded cognition and how it can be situational. What if the actual...
10 May 2016 6,613 1 View
Are there specific forms of play therapy recommended? How about RDI? Will the therapists incorporate the cultural influences? Do you know of anyone looking at this?
31 July 2015 6,118 16 View
Are there any interventions to enhance the self-determined behaviour of children between 2 and 5? Can you think of anywhere I can look. All the interventions I am finding are for 'school age...
28 March 2015 518 4 View
I expect to find a negative affect on self-determination for children with low levels of social competence as a result of either family circumstances: aggressive parenting, siblings in trouble...
24 March 2015 6,238 3 View
I would like to make contact with some people who might be able to guide me, I am looking from a Psychology / Education perspective but would like to make contact with people using assistive...
02 January 2015 4,121 6 View
During an intervention a child, well versed in playing boards games seems frustrated after a few games on a custom made board to target behavioral / emotional challenges for the child. If a child...
26 November 2014 1,118 1 View
Does anyone know of any body of works in this area? I believe that if teachers / practitioners are comfortable with risk then the children in their charge will be more independent.
05 May 2014 8,604 3 View
I am looking for some works that link independence with optimal functioning. Preferably in the area of special needs but not exclusively as this is relatively untapped area. Although...
23 April 2014 5,814 3 View
I am wondering what sort of methods for gathering data people favour. For children with mild learning disabilities where what are often considered simple social concepts do not appear to be...
09 April 2014 7,895 37 View
Do we use assistive technologies to their full potential? What ways have we seen, in what ways do we use them? Are there any researchers out there living on the edge of inclusion, independently...
03 April 2014 5,771 2 View
I am looking into research on optimism after completing a systematic review but would like to look a little broader then the immediate field of psychology. Does anyone have ideas / opinions of...
30 March 2014 9,216 4 View
In a classroom, a child annoying others. If this is the way he is how can we influence tolerance and change in the peers? What does this look like and how can this be achieved?
25 March 2014 9,096 2 View
I am specifically looking to see if the literature says they enhance the development of fine motor skills, specifically pincer grasp for writing or not. I am finding it hard to get anything from...
24 February 2014 3,506 2 View
I am looking to use / put together a milestone checklist, so any references would be very helpful to understand the developmental stages.
18 February 2014 6,722 6 View
I am looking into a systematic review of independence of children with special educational needs, but independence seems to be an elusive and subjective term.
15 February 2014 2,844 7 View
The study I am reading shows this result. Could it be because self-esteem is a cultural construct and not universal?
14 January 2014 1,126 10 View
In a study I am reading there is considerable overlap between resilience and optimism and the author poses this question. Does anyone know of any studies adressing this?
13 January 2014 5,764 6 View
In the main, LOT-R based on generalisable optimism (Scheier & Carver) but are there others?
13 January 2014 3,196 4 View
I am looking at the relationship between them and coping however I wish to think about it from a developmental perspective. Now I am wondering if the keywords I have will capture enough studies in...
29 December 2013 1,970 6 View
I am doing a systematic review relating to hope, optimism and coping but I want to make sure I am not missing any key avenues / words! Can you help? Optimism I have: Optimism; Positive Attitude;...
21 December 2013 4,945 26 View
Parenting styles aside, love has many dimensions and the concept of self often impacted by acceptance from others, conditional or otherwise. Has anyone designed a measure or know of any studies?
01 December 2013 4,461 4 View
During my systematic review I keep coming up against this term 'effortful optimism' yet it is never defined and is often used interchangeably. Does anyone know how it might be constructed? Is it...
01 December 2013 2,074 5 View
This is for a systematic review.
31 October 2013 4,457 8 View
Sue Gerhardt speaks of self-esteem as not just being the ability to think well of yourself but also "a capacity to respond to life's challenges."
20 September 2013 8,055 9 View
I am preparing a research project in Ireland related to homschooling and would like the expertise / to lonk in with others who are looking at the same / similar area.
23 July 2013 8,326 4 View