14 Questions 239 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mario Radovan
It seems good that after two terms in office, the president leaves the office for one term. But I do not consider good not to allow that person to run for president ever again. American citizens...
11 November 2019 976 11 View
There are no objective criteria on the basis of which this question can be answered for each person and for all people, once and for all. Whether a person considers (her) life worthwhile and...
05 May 2019 4,423 84 View
Politicians obviously are; this is the core element of their profession. But what about the rest of us? Young people around the world protest against the climate change, and they demand action!...
03 March 2019 7,353 33 View
An author, who has been called one of the leading figures of contemporary philosophy, uses expressions such as "ethical theory and moral practice". Can we say "ethical theory and practice" or...
12 December 2018 4,424 12 View
(1) Public (media) discourse is mostly an industry of manipulation, in which facts and valid arguments are ignored. (2) Academic philosophy is a scholastic play with concepts, which is mostly not...
05 May 2018 5,807 66 View
In my view, this is a misleading concept. Computers are the means by which people do some things in a new way. I expected that "computer" would beat the world champion in chess, and that happened...
02 February 2018 8,955 13 View
I heard on Chinese television (broadcasting in English) that foreigners can learn to speak Chinese rather well, but they have difficulties with learning Chinese writing system (script). I saw...
01 January 2018 3,908 53 View
It has been said that the infotainment industry shapes its production according the rule of the lowest common denominator with an aim to attract as large audience as possible. In this way, this...
11 November 2017 4,462 8 View
The information industry have created a new species, Homo online. Members of this species are connected to various communication systems all the time: they communicate for the sake of...
11 November 2017 4,764 8 View
Because such argument give a chance to everybody to make a critical comment on them. I spent plenty of time dealing with the issue of mind & computation. One of the best known arguments in this...
11 November 2017 2,497 6 View
I suppose that there exists a rational answer to the above question, but I do not know it. The word "football" used to be the name of the game played with *foot* and *ball*; the "American...
08 August 2015 3,657 2 View
To prove the existence of incomputable entities, Turing introduces a set C that contains *all* computable series of 0s and 1s; he then shows how a new series can be constructed from the elements...
07 July 2015 8,267 5 View
"Time is one of the last great mysteries", runs the first sentence of a large book about time. Time has been described as a river, but this metaphor is wrong, because time does not flow. Physical...
06 June 2015 9,479 6 View
My brief answer runs like this. People love technology because it gives them power! Technology gives us power to create and play, to communicate and control, and also to destroy. Do you have a...
04 April 2015 7,172 37 View