15 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manu Francis
Hi, I have a graph as in attached figure. I have to extract connected nodes from graph based on edge weights. If edge weight is less than a certain threshold, we have to consider that there will...
06 December 2021 2,320 3 View
Hi, If I have some nodes coordinates and I have to group these nodes together if there is path exist between them. Is there any algorithm available? The main graph structure looks as in attached...
21 October 2021 2,968 1 View
Hi, I tried to simulate the SPECT system with GATE and I could visualize interactions in the detector. However, I would like to visualize source energy distribution too. I tried to simulate a...
01 July 2020 2,699 1 View
In the first case (single phase case) liquid enters the tube and absorbs heat energy which is produced by the solid region. There is no phase change happening here. The following UDF is used to...
08 January 2020 6,013 1 View
Hi, I am trying to do 3D reconstruction with SPECT system having multi-pinhole arrays as collimators. Can I use STIR to reconstruct 3D objects? Will it be possible to specify collimator structure...
05 November 2019 6,150 1 View
Hi, I am trying to calculate radioactivity of organs after injecting radio-tracer into body by knowing injected radio-tracer activity and absorbed dose per unit activity. How can I calculate...
09 November 2018 3,398 10 View
Hi, I am trying to generate sinogram from scanned images of multi-pinhole SPECT system. After filtering I am trying to reconstruct object volumetrically and not slice by slice. Can anyone reply?...
18 September 2018 2,038 3 View
Hi, I am trying to find PSF(point spread function) and MTF(modulation transfer function) of multipinhole SPECT. Pinholes are arranged in such a way that, there is no overlapping between...
20 June 2018 6,127 1 View
Hi, I am trying to implement MLEM algorithm for SPECT image reconstruction in 3D. But I am confused with probability matrix. How can I calculate probability matrix? Thanks in advance Manu
25 January 2018 2,465 3 View
Hi, I have a 3D cube with 128x128x128 voxels. If a cone with known details, pass through the 3D cube, how can I find with which voxels, this cone intersects? The attached image shows the...
08 January 2018 7,610 2 View
Hi, First of all Sorry because, my question is not regarding research. My mom got Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to viral pneumonia and now she is in intensive care unit by giving oxygen...
18 March 2017 1,913 6 View
I am trying to investigate the relationship between sugar absorption level and artery wall thickening due to arteriosclerosis.I read that inflammation cause increased level of sugar absorption. Is...
21 November 2016 6,961 4 View
As part of my thesis topic, I need to know the variations in thermal profile of normal cell and cancerous cell in oral cavity. I need to know ,are there any publications regrading thermal profile...
22 January 2014 8,693 2 View
As a part of my M.tech thesis, I need some thermal images of oral cavities. Is there any database for oral thermal images?
16 January 2014 3,942 1 View
I want to work on oral cancer detection. For that purpose I need to know, what the difference between a normal cell and a malignant cancer cell in oral cavity. If anyone knows, can you please reply?
31 December 2013 7,627 8 View