7 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manolis Magdalis
Hello! I am trying to simulate Pspice netlist in t-spice. I am using a mosfet and a subcircuit. The problem is, I get an error stating: "syntax error, unexpected unary function call, expecting )...
17 September 2015 6,814 3 View
Hello! I designed a hybrid circuit consisting of MOSFET and Single Electron Transistors. For this, I used the model BSIM4.8.0. 65nm. I want to use a "smaller" transistor. So, with a little help...
22 July 2015 2,300 2 View
I am working on MOSFETs. I want to change the polarization voltage of the gate and the subthreshold voltage. I have the breakout library in my disposal and I'm messing around with the transistor's...
24 March 2015 8,579 1 View
Basically, exactly what the question says. Which program of Orcad do I need to implement VHDL in my circuit?
17 March 2015 7,633 5 View
How can we create a new part in PSpice? I have macromodel code for a specific part in PSpice. How can I use it to create the part?
05 March 2015 9,462 6 View
Hello, I'm trying to find a part in PSpice that has an input and an output. When the input voltage exceeds a certain number, the part generates a pulse with a delay (and a certain width, of...
08 November 2014 7,635 5 View
Can anyone tell me where can I find a library for hybrid transistors (CMOS/SET) for PSpice?
04 October 2014 3,057 4 View