18 Questions 29 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lopa Pattanaik
I am using a fermentation media of composition mentioned below and yeast (S. cerevisiae) culture •3g/L yeast extract •43g/L reducing sugars(glucose), •3g/L peptone, •1g/L KH2PO4 •0.5g/L...
07 September 2021 5,408 11 View
In the composting process, the degradation of organic carbon present in the organic matter leads to the formation of either Co2 or CH4 or both and later generation of volatile fatty acids or low...
30 November 2019 5,955 6 View
If any one have any publication mentioning calorific value of ethanol in MJ/l?
19 April 2018 5,113 3 View
Instead of spread plate method in different media for determining bacteria and fungus colonies . can we determine overall cell viability (microbial cells as other raw material cells are dead or...
01 October 2017 2,850 3 View
In estimation of total phenol and flavnoids per eg. If Conc . 1000 (mg/l) Abs 1.2 Then If conc. 500(mg/l) Abs. 0.6? Is that compulsory? If the concentration is half then Absorbance should be...
28 June 2017 2,684 2 View
I did the characterization of the biomass. The CHN value of before and after hydrolysis of the plant biomass was compared.The hydrolyzed biomass shows an increase in C and H, but decrease in N as...
18 November 2016 8,418 3 View
What is the standard protocol for sampling wastewater from any place?If keeping in cold condition is not in the option and the nutrient value has to be retained.
20 July 2016 6,088 5 View
What is the step wise procedure for manual calculation of LCA for a specific plant based products. The system boundary includes: 1. Ploughing 2. fertilizer and organic manure...
04 May 2016 9,494 10 View
What is the selection criteria for any biomass to determine for which thing it can be used? If I want to use any biomass for bio-ethanol production or biodiesesl or biogas production how do I select?
19 February 2016 9,972 8 View
Is there any report of leguminous plants used for biofuel such as bio-ethanol production?
15 February 2016 5,059 5 View
I am detecting my compound named indoxyl (which is highly unstable) in flurosence spectrophotometer using a standard indoxyl acetate. I want to measure the same compound in HPLC -PDA .One reported...
30 October 2015 5,767 0 View
If in a batch reactor both aeration and agitation is provided, but due to change in agitation there is not significant increase in product yield, but due to aeration and sparging there is...
19 September 2015 7,633 3 View
My plant biomass contain a secondary metabolite indican, that get hydrolysed when I soak the plant biomass in water. Now there is two product that I can get from this hydrolysis. 1. glucose 2. An...
12 June 2015 8,186 15 View
With respect to oxygen molecule oxidation how alkaline pH helps in fast oxidation?
08 May 2015 9,503 10 View
To find out kinetics of a reaction always conc. and time is needed. Is there any concept of finding out kinetics of product yield with respect to time?
08 April 2015 1,228 6 View
Suppose air is coming out of a reactor system. In which our target is to measure only gaseous oxygen that is coming out of the system. What are the easy, convenient and reliable methods to measure...
27 March 2015 6,690 4 View
can we find out rate of reaction only on product concentration
24 March 2015 296 20 View
The reactor volume in small scale is 2 ltr., has agitator and sparger .What are the steps to be followed to scale-up the reactor ,so that I can get the product in 10 ltr.in higher amount(~10...
02 March 2015 9,624 5 View