10 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lola Y.
Hi, I am pipetting an antibody with 50% w/v glycerol. However, I need the antibody solution to dry on the nitrocellulose membrane. How can I do this without damaging the antibody? Thank you.
21 April 2017 969 1 View
I am creating a sample test of a LFA on a nitrocellulose membrane. I have seen some contradicting protocols regarding blocking the membrane so far. Some suggest doing it before I spot the membrane...
17 April 2016 5,584 2 View
I will be using the M220 or E210 Covaris sonicator. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! I will be sonicating 1 mg of carbon nanoparticles in 0.1 mL of water and then later with added borate...
15 April 2016 366 3 View
I am supposed to sonicate 1 mg of carbon nanoparticles in 0.1 mL of MiliQ water using output control 3~27 W, 20 KHz for 5 min. I am also supposed to sonicate three samples of 130 microliters and...
14 April 2016 5,199 2 View
I need to pipet a low molecular weight antigen (around 20 kDA) on my test line and a secondary antibody of anti-rabbit goat antibody- IgG (around 120-160 kDA) on my control line. The...
13 April 2016 8,907 3 View
I already have the 5 mM Borate Buffer and the 100 mM Borate Buffer. I also have 10% BSA. How do I create 5 mL of the WB and 5 mL of the SB? I need these two buffers to couple carbon nanoparticles...
13 April 2016 1,791 3 View
I need to confirm that my carbon nanoparticles have been bound to my antibody. I am using the Ocean Optics Red Tide UV-Vis Spectrometer by Vernier. What is the lowest volume required for this to...
13 April 2016 7,321 1 View
I am developing a Lateral Flow Assay and need to block a nitrocellulose membrane with BSA for my initial sample test. How do I appropriately coat my membrane with BSA to avoid non-specific...
13 April 2016 2,246 5 View
I know that because Acid Black 48 is cationic and the antibody is anionic, those two could non-covalently bind. Would this hypothetically work by allowing them to bind through mixing at 4 degrees...
11 April 2016 9,088 2 View
Has anyone tried to biotinylate an antibody with a similar concentration of sodium azide? I only have 25-40 microliters of my antibody, so I believe that dialysis would not work in this case.
11 April 2016 9,186 3 View