8 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kornelius Zeth
We want to suppress self proteolysis of a protein. What is the strategy to modify the sequence in order to make it stable? The site is SLG - NX and SLG - AX.
26 May 2024 7,613 0 View
Dear all - I'm trying to analyze hydrophobic patches on protein structures towards their size area. I have read previous postings and found some servers that would do such calculations. However,...
13 December 2023 7,342 0 View
Dear all - we would like to produce and study biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We are not well equipped, only a simple microscope. I wonder if it could be possible to make estimations on the...
04 October 2023 2,560 2 View
Dear all, I want to use Alphafold to run this program on my labtop or a server which we will install rather soon. At the moment I run AF using Colab and this work well. But in the future I will...
17 November 2022 4,573 1 View
Dear all - I'm trying to understand if it might be an idea to treat Asthma by using small molecules produced by bacterial microbiomes. I read that several small molecules such as Ac, Propionate...
19 November 2020 7,530 2 View
Dear all - I would like to see the atomic displacement of two protein structures e.g. one with and the other without a ligand or domain and plot this on the sequence. Could you let me know how you...
13 April 2020 6,689 0 View
Are there any data/program/server available to predict/approximate the running behaviour (peak retention) of a needle like protein (7 x 2 x 2 nm) on a size exclusion column. Thanks and best...
30 January 2017 1,932 6 View
If there was a peptide that binds specifically to a folded protein, can it also bind to the same unfolded protein? Would it be logical to assume that a peptide can generally bind more strongly...
01 January 1970 974 6 View