28 Questions 127 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Khaled Megahed
Most papers says that they are modelled elastic until failure How to use Abaqus material library to simulate GFRP material using say Young 's modulus 50 GPa and compressive strength 700Mpa and...
07 March 2021 9,679 3 View
where 'x' is cross product
10 November 2019 4,696 4 View
Also when referring to variation in the work (virtual work), we use virtual rotation not rotation variation? Thanks.
06 April 2019 3,498 10 View
How numerically calculate equation (3a) in the photo attached.
02 April 2019 3,573 0 View
In shell element I could define rebars layers to define reinforcement, but could I implement rebars in wire element? Thanks
27 March 2019 2,341 8 View
In 3D frame analysis, using elastic element with plastic hinge at nodes accelerate the solution time instead of using distributed plasticity. But most plastic hinges include interaction between...
27 March 2019 2,575 3 View
People feel uncomfortable in the upper stairs of the tall building when the building move laterally due to wind load or to be accurate the lateral acceleration of the building. Is their any...
22 March 2019 9,196 9 View
Most experimental results include true strain curve. How could I experimentally or theoretically reach effective stress strain curve or damage parameter for damage model? Thanks
02 March 2019 9,232 11 View
I encountered using multi-directional cracks model in 2D elements, but could it be used for 3D concrete elements?
24 February 2019 506 14 View
Also how could I identify the pre-transition and post-transition parts of strain increment?
22 February 2019 1,233 5 View
I encountered a return-map technique in many papers but I do not understand how it works.
15 February 2019 9,116 3 View
These attached figures are captured from Concrete Frame Design Manual using ACI-318 attached with Etabs Design examples. It calculates the amplified moment due to second order effects using this...
15 February 2019 7,097 3 View
I tried to code this method and it diverges when the stiffness approach zero. As, calculating load vector coefficient ∆λ requires having inverse of the stiffness as shown in the attached photo...
11 February 2019 6,340 3 View
I encountered similar graphs like the one shown in the attached figure in many papers and researches. Does anyone use a certain software to draw this type of graphs?
08 February 2019 4,424 11 View
Why the minimum reinforcement ratio in the walls is 0.12% or 0.15% and in special cases 0.25% according to ACI318, while, in column, this ratio is high 1%. Even their behaviors are similar in most...
01 January 1970 6,001 4 View
I would like to know a finite element software which provides open source codes for large deformation analysis for beam and shell elements.
01 January 1970 4,249 17 View
What is the tensor type for Green Lagrange strain tensor and 2nd 2nd piola kirchhoff tensor? Stress and strain are called 2nd order tensor because they follow the transformation rule: sigma`= R *...
01 January 1970 2,692 4 View
How the total potential energy is a unique function with respect to semi-tangential rotation? Also how the tangent stiffness matrix of space elements based on semi-tangential moment is symmetric?
01 January 1970 1,384 3 View
which is the best for modelling different continuum and structural elements; updated Lagrangian formulation or total Lagrangian formulation. Thanks
01 January 1970 5,841 7 View
what is the difference between them? Which one could I use in beam element - shell -solid element? I read that beam uses first and shell uses second one, why? and what is the conjecture strain...
01 January 1970 474 11 View
Anyone has source code for beam element formulation with large deformation and large displacement. I tried to model it but the problem is in taking into account finite rotation. Most books written...
01 January 1970 5,930 3 View
What is the types of non conservative loads? distributed loads, concentrated loads, concentrated moments. what is the effect of non conservative load in solving finite element problems? Should...
01 January 1970 7,971 3 View
There are several shell models that take into account drilling dof in shell formulation, and others not. What is the effect of using this dof in the accuracy and convergence rate of finite...
01 January 1970 9,792 6 View
In textbook I read this sentence "In the case of positive aerodynamic damping the forces generated by motion through the airstream tend to oppose the motion. Negative damping tends to reinforce...
01 January 1970 4,120 3 View
Building exhibit torsional rotation under seismic loading due distance between the center of mass and center of rigidity. According to building codes, does this distance or torsional rotation have...
01 January 1970 4,725 8 View
Could the layout of the shear walls in multi story building induce torsional rotation due to dead load only? I faced this problem when analyzing a building in Etabs. Thanks
01 January 1970 1,742 9 View
The following model is a plate restrained from three sides and loaded with axial load at the mid-point of the upper side Why Mises stress-time relation at the center of the plate takes the...
01 January 1970 1,899 3 View
When calculating the punching shear capacity using ACI of the interior columns with following dimensions in the attached photo for slab of thickness 200 mm (depth 180 mm) and fc'=30MPa, the column...
01 January 1970 1,880 1 View