7 Questions 26 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kassim Boudjelal Safir
I am not teaching my Master students statistics, but Excel seems easier(?) to use since available in their laptops, and frequently used by the previous students. I told them that SPSS is a more...
19 April 2021 5,897 13 View
I am conducting a research about the hypothetical impact of good/effective titles of academic papers on RG readers decision making to either read and recommend a paper or not to read it at all...
17 April 2021 7,888 37 View
Can I sue Amazon because it has used one of my statements (quotations about working hard) or the website where I publish my quotations? Using people's intellectual properties to gain money is...
04 April 2021 1,037 12 View
Teaching ICT in the context of Covid 19 is more than an urgency. However, with a strictly reduced time (4 weeks only), how can one teach that important multi-disciplinary field?
24 March 2021 7,683 8 View
Google content tend to switch off teachers mind by turning them into content slaves. So what's the difference between a student and a teacher if they can both of them get that content from the...
18 March 2021 861 8 View
Viva examiners: He said, she said... Ok, but what did YOU say? Where is your print? Student: ....
01 January 1970 5,983 2 View
Do you feel that your mind performance is decreasing these days? It's probably because of your chair. Neuro-biologists say that running for 20 minutes- twice a week as a minimum- can improve our...
01 January 1970 1,558 3 View