6 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kaku Michio
I am isolating plasmid for restriction digestion using alkaline lysis protocol and getting ample amount of plasmid (1000-2000ng/ul) with very less amount of RNA residues but at the moment I use...
02 April 2021 5,758 3 View
Even if I get them cultured colonies are very less and almost not transferable and grows very slowly in the media. I checked cells by transforming with control vector. I changed antibiotic also...
07 January 2021 1,201 3 View
Ethedium bromide (EtBr) is a stain which glow on U.V. exposure and is used to visualize nucleotide polymers like DNA, RNA. During preparation of gel during electrophoresis when the gel is in...
07 July 2020 7,539 2 View
We know that viruses are non living structure having genetic material packed inside some shell. My question is that how these particles are sterilised by hand sanitisers having ethanol as main...
18 March 2020 4,761 4 View
well it is known fact that a person with O blood group will have ant A,anti B and anti AB antibodies then how is it eligible for transfusing blood to other persons as antiserum could cause blood...
29 May 2018 727 7 View
if yes then why ?Is it due to the influence of electric field but as far as I know that both the process involves the formation of precipitation line which is formed at a particular concentration...
23 May 2018 3,316 3 View