10 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Julien Pompon
Dear all, I need to find a chemical lipid inhibitor for a specific pathway. Where can I find the information about these inhibitors? Thank very much in advance julien
12 December 2017 9,984 2 View
Dear all, I am planning to buy a robot to extract RNA. Any suggestions on which one is the best? Thanks
02 February 2017 2,743 5 View
Dear all, We are trying to generate primary cell lines from mosquitoes but strugggle in having them dividing. Anyone know a growth factor of insect cells from Drosophila for instance. Thank you
07 July 2016 4,125 1 View
Merry christmas all, I want to do an indirect ELISA and detect 2 proteins at once in the same well. To do this end, I would like to use two secondary antibodies with different fluorophores, like...
12 December 2014 4,069 5 View
Hello, I just arrived in a new lab with an insectary that has no built-in humidity regulator. I am looking to purchase a humidifier that can regulate humidity, therefore one that can at the same...
10 October 2014 444 4 View
Hello, Do anyone know where I can find SILAC Schneider medium? If does not exist, is there an easy to make it myself, like adding the isotope only in medium just lacking Lysin and Arginin? Thanks
09 September 2014 3,224 4 View
I am interested in establishing new cell lines in insects. Do you have any advice with regards to the protocol? Thank you very much.
01 January 2014 2,473 3 View
I am trying to select a subset of variables from a dataset containing more features (p = 100) than observations (n = 18) by using PenalizedLDA. I changed all value in numeric values for the...
06 June 2013 1,011 2 View
R is a great statistic language but sometimes it is hard to navigate through the different algorithms and find your way when you're not a professional statistician like I am. I would like to...
04 April 2013 2,469 13 View
I have a proteomic dataset with more than a hundred proteins in different conditions. I would like to run a stepwise discriminant analysis to select a subgroup that is discriminating among my...
04 April 2013 2,941 9 View