8 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Julie Lynn Horton
If you have two groups (i.e. treated versus untreated) you would like to compare with a parametric analysis, should you determine if the dependent variable is normally distributed across all...
21 October 2015 8,231 5 View
Does homologous recombination occur in mouse cells, specifically NIH-3T3 cells (fibroblasts)? I was wondering if you make a monoclonal heterozygote where a gene is KO in one chromosome but not...
01 April 2015 797 2 View
I have a set of data with n=5 in two groups. The groups are unpaired. The distribution of data in the population is unknown so, I was thinking of using a non-parametric test. I am only looking at...
08 December 2014 8,165 8 View
I am trying to determine the Km and Vmax of a protein. When I calculate my Km and Vmax based on Lineweaver-burke plot they are negative values. I think this means that my reaction has proceeded...
09 September 2014 6,013 5 View
I was wondering if anyone runs a ligation reaction on a gel to check efficiency of ligation before transformation? Basically, I took an aliquot of my ligation reaction and digested it with one...
08 July 2014 6,285 6 View
I am trying to introduce 7 point mutations into a 23bp sequence. I have experience doing single point mutations via quikchange site-directed mutagenesis. I was wondering how many point mutations...
01 May 2014 8,982 2 View
If so, how expired were your components and how did your results turn out?
28 April 2014 9,988 1 View
My experimental design: Make stable cell-line that has over-expression of mouse gene X (MGX) in HEK293 cell-line. In HEK 293 MGX knock-out human gene X (HGX) using CRISPR/Cas. Problem: MGX and...
21 April 2014 3,974 2 View