11 Questions 38 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from João Batista Ferreira
Rural producers are exposed to various risks in their production, and the variability in the prices of agricultural products has greatly affected their income. In this context, which agricultural...
19 April 2021 7,299 11 View
I am looking for researchers who are interested in the theme "agricultural risk management" to do a research group at a distance. Each addresses the experiences of local risk management, from...
09 December 2019 9,028 29 View
Telemedicine is all medical practice done at a distance. Technological evolution has provided new directions for health care. So, what factors should be taken into account when adopting...
18 February 2019 4,163 3 View
There are people who have so much money and do not have time to spend because the life span is limited. Most people buy without need, there are people who have more than 100 shoes, more than 100...
29 January 2019 912 6 View
In order to deepen in literature review studies, bibliometry is widely used, since it has the purpose of analyzing the main characteristics of the works already published on the subject. And Cite...
06 July 2018 9,031 3 View
I have knowledge with the SERVQUAL and SERVPERF models.
15 June 2018 6,631 12 View
The company valuation can be done by adopting several models, among them: the market multiples model; the model based on the balance sheet, the model based on the income statement, and the model...
01 January 1970 2,968 7 View
It is a dependency of developed countries of great proportions. Production is sold at such a low price that it does not even pay production costs. Always producing basic raw material for...
01 January 1970 9,086 3 View
The indiscriminate use of pesticides and their relationship with cancer is a subject that is hushed up by the capitalist market, but which must be discussed for the well-being of society. I am...
01 January 1970 3,065 2 View
The information disclosed in social media, television, radio and other media are mostly paid, and not always true. However, people fully rely on this information. Thus, a disclosed and...
01 January 1970 3,670 59 View
Colombia is going to take the coffee from the New York Stock Exchange. Its intention is the formation of coffee prices based on production costs plus profitability.
01 January 1970 9,412 4 View