7 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ingram Fry
I published the article below showing the pectorals can push the arm across as well as pull it toward the chest (Abduct and Adduct). The Role of Compressive Force in the Movement of the...
24 April 2024 2,657 3 View
Text books will tell you that your latisimus dorsi adducts the arm. But if the Lats are soft and squished due to the position of the arm, tensing the Lats will cause abduction from about the 6...
06 October 2023 7,287 2 View
I think the media often exaggerates the importance of a study, or amplifies the bias/interpretation of the scientist. Often reporting interpretations as fact. Thus scientists don't always have a...
07 September 2021 7,245 0 View
I calculated that a randomly selected US obese population is about twice as likely to die, as a randomly selected US Non Obese population simply because they are older, as people tend to increase...
07 June 2021 4,991 4 View
It seems to be taken for granted that high fruit and vegetable consumption is good for you, what is the underlying observational evidence? I am aware that vitamins exist, but it is hard to...
05 June 2021 7,269 14 View
I have read that turmeric inhibits telomerase. I have also heard telomerase helps repair telomeres. Does this mean turmeric stops telomeres repairing or have I heard wrong?
22 September 2018 7,240 11 View
I've always thought of it this way but recently read that there is not an explanation. Imagine I am climbing up a ladder, every time I release my grip, I have to use my own energy to get to the...
01 January 1970 7,748 0 View