38 Questions 224 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Igor Bayak
If we keep in mind that R^{4}=R^{+}xS^{3}=R^{3}*RP^{1} where * means a direct product with a singularity at the zero point of a 3-dimensional Euclidean space in which the projective line is...
31 December 2023 9,004 1 View
Let's say we can use electromagnetic confinement to form a chain of nuclei rotating in a circle and bring the nuclei so close to each other that they enter into a fusion reaction. The question is,...
19 December 2023 3,710 2 View
As a possible option, it is proposed On the induction of a low-energy nuclear reaction in a super... If you are interested in implementing this project, then I am open to cooperation.
20 November 2023 9,826 0 View
Maybe there is even a formula that matches the zeta root to each prime?
13 August 2022 2,459 1 View
Is the hypothesis (formulated in the introduction to the On geometric constructions of finite groups and Lie algebras ) about the one-to-one correspondence between Abelian and non-Abelian finite...
16 April 2022 5,649 13 View
The gyroscope is quoted as a mathematical gyroscope, that is, the intersecting lines of the equator and one meridian. The permissible movements of our mathematical gyroscope are the proper...
17 May 2021 7,437 3 View
Take, for example, such a concept as a minimum flow, that is, a gradient vector field, the level surfaces of which are the minimum surfaces. Then the globally minimal flow, evolving to an...
14 September 2020 8,765 13 View
I see only one way - to build a doubly degenerate torus, that is, a torus whose inner circle is pulled together to the south pole of the sphere, and the outer circle to the north pole. With such a...
07 June 2020 3,641 0 View
1. Do I understand correctly that closed curves on a 3-dimensional torus are represented as closed ribbons lying freely (with the possibility of inverting) on a classical torus? 2. Do I understand...
21 May 2020 1,003 3 View
The Introduction discusses a materialistic interpretation of the principle of least action and interpretation of quantum mechanics by random walks of rings. MATHEMATICAL NOTES ON THE NATURE OF THINGS
20 March 2020 7,325 4 View
On the one hand, it is known that a real hypersphere of an 8-dimensional neutral space, that is, a space with signature of the metric (+ 4, -4), is homeomorphic to the space R4 × S3. On the...
25 June 2018 9,056 5 View
For example, can it be interpreted as Lorentzian reduction of the length of the Planck interval action caused by the acceleration given by the gravitational constant? Of course, in this case...
31 May 2018 9,646 30 View
Book: The mathematical formalism of the theory of everything ABSTRACT: Despite the philosophical orientation of the book, designed to study the idealistic basis of materialism, you will not find...
10 December 2015 1,842 7 View
Suppose, in fact, our 4-dimensional space is closed and represents the product of a sphere onto a torus or a sphere onto a cylinder, and the observer's coordinate lines are helical lines of a...
01 January 1970 491 14 View
It is well known that spacetime metric is connected with the Dirac algebra. However, the question of the connection of space-time curve metric with algebra has not yet received wide coverage. If...
01 January 1970 3,790 7 View
For example, such a one-dimensional model, in which the particle is a movable ring on the torus, and the spatial coordinate is the irrational winding of the torus, suitable for the role of the...
01 January 1970 8,387 4 View
It would seem that the answer should be negative. However, if you think about it, the answer is not so obvious. Indeed, it is enough to take the vector field of accelerations (velocities) of...
01 January 1970 1,904 3 View
For groups generated by homomorphisms of parity, such a connection exists. See the preprint (in Russian): О групповых конструкциях на произведении сфер Perhaps you have other examples of such a...
01 January 1970 1,155 4 View
I approach this issue constructively. I'll give you my example, and you can point me to other examples of physical interpretation of arithmetic functions. My example in the attached paper "On the...
01 January 1970 8,564 2 View
Please look at the mathematical construction of theta and zeta functions in the representation of a winding sphere. In this paper, based on the representation of the winding of a sphere, we...
01 January 1970 1,990 11 View
Unfortunately, I can not write out the action for such a pendulum here, but I can show the solutions. To do this, take the quoted text "ParametricPlot[{Re[sn(t+it,5 -25 i)], Im[sn(t+it,5 -25...">
01 January 1970 1,906 1 View
Is there a device (fusion power) that combines both a tokamak and a magnetic mirror with electrostatic plasma confinement? The idea itself is to create in a toroidal chamber a spiral-shaped...
01 January 1970 5,816 21 View
Please evaluate the approach to the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis based on the study of the oscillations of the metaphysical pendulum. For a substantive conversation, I suggest you look at the...
01 January 1970 7,307 0 View
For example, in the case of compactification in R\times S^{3}, what can be said about the vector field on this manifold? Since the flow of the linear tangent to the three-dimensional sphere of the...
01 January 1970 7,671 5 View
It is unlikely that I will get a specific answer to this question, so I propose to start a discussion on the geometry of the standard model. The standard approach to this question is that, in...
01 January 1970 3,656 15 View
"Our moderators determined that your submission does not contain sufficient original or substantive scholarly research and is not of interest to arXiv." Is this fair for Chaotic dynamics of an...
01 January 1970 6,309 3 View
The quaternion algebra in the matrix representation is generated by the modified Pauli matrices iσ1, iσ2, iσ3, which in the representation of linear vector fields iσ1=x4∂x1-x3∂x2+x2∂x3-x1∂x4...
01 January 1970 4,317 1 View
In this case, I'm not interested in Koide's formula, but Barut's formula. Do you know of any theoretical justification for this formula? At the very end of the manuscript On the winding of a...
01 January 1970 1,600 0 View
Since the generally accepted theory of gravity is GRT, one could try to derive it from some algebraic theory. The basic thing in this theory should be the Dirac algebra, in which the Minkowski...
01 January 1970 6,180 35 View
If, without the action of force, the particle moved not in a straight line, but along a helical line of an infinite cylinder, where the momentum of the particle is given by the number of...
01 January 1970 4,041 2 View
In the Chapter "Quantum world versus creation" of the book "Mathematical notes on the nature of things", the reader, traveling in a closed world, falls into the quantum world. At the same time,...
01 January 1970 3,593 2 View
The question suggests several implicit answers: 1) the particle is one-dimensional, 2) the particle line is closed, 3) a vacuum "particle" of unit length has zero mass. However, this topic...
01 January 1970 1,345 22 View
For example, is it possible to consider the gauge non-compact group SU(3)xSL(2,C)xU(1) instead of the Higgs scalar field, which breaks the gauge symmetry of the standard model? Have you come...
01 January 1970 5,412 65 View
The wave function of quantum mechanics at a fixed point in space-time is simply a set of complex numbers. How does the set of these numbers relate to the geometry of the universe?
01 January 1970 4,792 5 View
Previously, we presented a topological feature of the velocity vector field v(x) as a vector field whose current lines are closed in a circle. On the other hand, we can generalize this definition...
01 January 1970 9,766 0 View
Obviously, it is necessary to start modeling the standard model by modeling its global symmetries. And since the basic symmetry group of the standard model is SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1), we will first model...
01 January 1970 6,974 51 View
From the principle of least action applied to circular motion, the Cauchy-Riemann conditions are easily deduced, and hence the harmony of functions. And since quantum mechanics operates with...
01 January 1970 1,776 4 View
For myself, I explain this reason by the fact that the spin of fermions is associated with the latitude of the sphere (half a revolution of the circle), and the spin of bosons is associated with a...
01 January 1970 3,599 0 View