13 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hossein Shaki
The number of people who diagnosed as cancerous patient is increasing every year. By increasing in cancerous population, the number of researchers and research group that working on cancer...
27 November 2017 4,659 4 View
In some cases, nanofluid regime is related to a fluid that flowing in a nanoscale channel. But, my question is when a fluid regime is characterized az nanofluid flow and what is differences...
14 November 2016 5,918 3 View
MALDI-TOF mass spectroscopy is a precious method to measuring the molecular size. But there was a problem during measuring fatty acid with DBH (2,5-dihysroxybenzoinc acid) matrix. In this method...
17 June 2015 3,167 3 View
In our synthesis, the hydroxyl group of a polysaccharide should be attached to an Amine group of another molecule which has two amine groups in both ends of its molecular structure. Is there any...
19 December 2014 7,792 22 View
I have synthesized a polymer with dextran and in FTIR spectra. There are many peaks which are related to different molecular bonds in polymer structures. And a specific peak (such as a peak in...
28 November 2014 9,739 13 View
We synthesized a polymer with dextran in our labratory. There is a peak with wavelength 2120 nm-1 in it's FTIR spectrum. This wave-number referred to alkynes or nitriles bond in polymer structure...
28 November 2014 5,543 3 View
Oxidation of polysaccharide such as dextran with oxidant resulted to breaking of C-C bound in glucose unit. This breaking concluded to formation of aldehyde group. What is the peak of carbonyl...
08 November 2014 351 2 View
In Fluorimetry test, two parameters are reported: slit and bandwidth. What is these two parameters and how important are those parameters in fleorimetry test?
04 November 2014 8,098 4 View
Our method in loading drug in micellar carrier is one step process in which polymer and drug is poured into solvent then sonicated to micell formation and drug loaded into the micell. I would like...
07 September 2014 6,333 8 View
Most of the drug delivery systems (DDS) are in colloidal state and maybe have a surface charge (positive, negative, or nutral). Much research has been done in different research centers all around...
04 July 2014 6,119 13 View
As you know in measuring particle size by DLS method, three kind of particle size distribution measurements could be reported: number, volume, and intensity. Each of them could be applicable in...
28 June 2014 5,259 8 View
In 1976 Israelachvili introduce the concept of molecular packing parameter to predict molecular self-assembly in surfactant solution. This is a very complicated method and it's too theoretical. In...
26 May 2014 2,076 8 View
In esterification of polysaccharides with fatty acids or other like molecules, the degree of substitution (DS) is the number of molecules which make acyl bonds with hydroxyl group per 100 number...
30 December 2013 4,776 2 View