17 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ho Nguyen Tuong
I want to know how age, obesity (0 for no and 1 for yes), smoking status (0 for no smoking and 1 for having smoking) affect the serum Vitamin D level using regression with SPSS. The best-fit curve...
12 May 2022 9,603 5 View
For example, I want to know how baseline characteristics of patients (age, BMI...) and the confounding factors (smoking, diabetes or other chronic diseases) affect the serum vitamin D value. Which...
03 May 2022 3,072 4 View
I intend to do some research on TNTs. The question is, except directly observing the tunneling nanotubes using the immunofluorescent microscope, is there any reliable marker that can be utilized...
25 May 2021 313 1 View
Dear everyone I'm working on the endometrium of the uterus. I need to extract endometrial cells from the endometrial tissue. Usually, I will separate the tissue into 2,3 mm pieces and incubated in...
26 November 2020 7,609 3 View
I want to conduct some research on the topic of endometrium receptivity, but I only have HEC1A cell line available. Can you please share with me the experience in using which cell line for this...
27 August 2020 2,527 1 View
Dear everyone, I'm doing research on infertility and need to collect sperm from male mice's caudal epididymis. Sometimes the results are good but sometimes we can not get any sperms. I have been...
21 July 2020 360 3 View
I am conducting a comparison cohort study between the hysterectomy group and non-hysterectomy group among patients with placenta accreta spectrum. The main outcome is the health-related quality of...
09 July 2020 7,399 8 View
Dear everyone, I'm working on bio-informatics. And my current project is to analyze public data from TCGA and GEO to find novel genes' relation to diagnosis or prognosis of cancer. The special...
05 June 2020 1,211 7 View
For example, I have a dataset of HE4 in the form of a numerical variable. and I want to apply it to a survival analysis for ovarian cancer prognosis. How can I find a cut off of HE4 value which is...
21 May 2020 9,447 5 View
Dear everybody, I use gProfiler to identify the TF enrichment analysis and then extract the file *.gem to import to the Cytoscape for drawing the TF network map. But the result is quite messy...
19 May 2020 7,643 4 View
While using pheatmap R package to draw the heatmap, I cope with this problem but I don't know how to fix it, although I have applied various ways from the internet. Here is my...
23 April 2020 9,487 2 View
I'm using R for analyzing with the ConsensusClusterPlus package. As I ran the code and obtained the plots, some of the elements in the plots were missing or could not be observed. Can anyone tell...
10 April 2020 9,246 0 View
I'm using R, ConcensusClusteringPlus package for sample clustering. I import datasheet from an excel file, but when I interpreted it announced error like this: Error in (function (classes, fdef,...
09 April 2020 4,083 0 View
I'm just a freshman in the field of epigenetics. I have questions about methylation data analysis: The data from Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip will tell us which CpG sites are methylated...
19 March 2020 9,483 3 View
I want to submit my research to a conference with proceedings in the Ob/Gyn or Reproduction field. Could anyone please provide me some suggestions?
01 January 1970 7,601 2 View
In the newly published article named "Associations between body-mass index and COVID-19 severity in 6·9 million people in England: a prospective, community-based, cohort study" the conclusion is...
01 January 1970 6,968 2 View
Should we use dianogest or other medical treatment for minimizing the ectopic endometrial lesion before endometriosis surgery? If yes, how long and what is the dose? Moreover, when an...
01 January 1970 1,946 2 View