38 Questions 605 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hemanta K. Baruah
Matters such as Big Data Analysis are computer dependent. Are such things mathematics in the real sense?
10 October 2017 2,267 1 View
Fluid dynamics for example, is said to be a branch of applied mathematics, and function analysis is said to be a branch of pure mathematics. Should we really say that some branches of mathematics...
03 March 2017 10,015 10 View
Language Proficiency Certificates awarded after tests, such as IELTS, are valid for a certain number of years. Once the validity period is over, one has to appear in the test once again. Does that...
01 January 2016 2,961 1 View
In the literature, works on interval ranking are found. Should we really compare intervals? We can rank real numbers. Length, breadth etc can be ranked, in terms of real numbers. Therefore,...
11 November 2015 3,390 7 View
11 November 2015 8,262 0 View
Just as there is a classical definition of probability, and an axiomatic definition followed thereafter, perhaps fuzziness too should have an axiomatic definition. Please give your comments.
09 September 2015 8,042 3 View
Amount of money that one can have can be positive, zero or negative. In the same way, can there be a definition of negative presence of an element in a set?
05 May 2015 6,623 0 View
On the Web, I could not find an opposite word of superimposition. Could anyone please help me in this regard?
01 January 2015 551 25 View
Without the concept of zero, let alone other things, finding even the product of two numbers would be extremely difficult. Further, without defining zero, theory of groups, spaces etc. would not...
01 January 2015 6,248 5 View
The physical differences between two mango trees are not random. In what way can we explain such differences mathematically? Please note that this question is not about pattern recognition. It is...
12 December 2014 6,734 75 View
For a variable X following a probability law, the definition of sample mean xbar is an important statistical concept. Is the sample mean a property of Statistics, or of Mathematics?
12 December 2014 9,933 4 View
Almost in every research journal, it is declared that only original research findings are published in the journal. How far, in your eyes, is such a claim true? How exactly does a journal define...
12 December 2014 3,704 10 View
Based on applications? Based on possible impact on further researches? What really should be the criteria in ranking mathematical results?
07 July 2014 4,237 46 View
Capacity to learn anything in the classroom Is perhaps region dependent. Perhaps the language in which a learner thinks does have some effect in the process of learning. The culture following...
05 May 2014 3,782 22 View
Mathematics has been being more and more computer dependent. What shape would it possibly take in the coming years?
03 March 2014 7,999 10 View
Big Data Analysis is computer dependent. In this branch of study, is there anything not really supported by mathematical analysis?
03 March 2014 5,472 25 View
Not every branch of mathematics is equally easy to understand. From the standpoint of teaching, some of the branches are easy to teach. Which particular branch of mathematics is tougher than most...
03 March 2014 4,120 11 View
Not all students find mathematics an interesting subject to study. Why does that happen?
03 March 2014 5,679 33 View
Private Universities can perhaps offer better opportunities although at a very high cost. On the other hand, the Public Universities depend on Government Funds, and therefore may not be able to...
02 February 2014 4,589 25 View
In a democracy, businesses seem to decide which way the country should move. On the other hand, the leaders of these businesses are not typically interested in entering into active politics. In...
02 February 2014 4,346 2 View
It is said that seeing is believing. Physics says many things which can not actually be seen. In fact, about the first moon landing mission, there were serious doubts expressed. What really should...
01 January 2014 4,468 30 View
What people believe is sometimes far from reality; but this is the reality in our lives. We all know that beliefs may not necessarily be logical. Still, we continue to believe in many things...
01 January 2014 5,411 50 View
We need to have a non-fuzzy mathematical explanation about probability theory and possibility theory. Are they related? If the answer is affirmative, then what is the exact relationship? Please...
01 January 2014 5,976 30 View
Should theory be application oriented? Or, should it not be so?
01 January 2014 8,986 25 View
For example, in Queuing Theory such a huge amount of literature is available that for a new researcher interested to start working in this field, it is difficult to find a research problem that is...
01 January 2014 6,207 8 View
What are the other possible fields of knowledge in which subjectivity is associated? If associated, then in what way is it associated?
01 January 2014 10,004 60 View
Has scientific temper been a thing of the past? Or, is it still in existence?
01 January 2014 9,309 35 View
What really is mathematics? Is it a science? Some classical mathematical results perhaps look more like poetry in symbolic prose than mathematics!
11 November 2013 7,239 22 View
Degrees of freedom of a variable and the dimension of the linear space concerned are the same. Dimensions of two linear sub-spaces with only the null element common are additive, and so the...
11 November 2013 8,098 33 View
Languages such as Sanskrit, Russian and Arabic, in addition to singular and plural forms, also have dual forms of pronouns a. There must been some reason behind this. Why did such a situation not...
10 October 2013 5,181 7 View
It can be seen that the multiple correlation coefficient is used in data analysis even in cases in which the underlying models are highly nonlinear. Should this kind of use of the multiple linear...
09 September 2013 509 38 View
'The notion of probability does not enter into the definition of a random variable.' (Ref.: page 43 of V. K. Rohatgi and A. K. Saleh, An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Second...
09 September 2013 7,813 99 View
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Is this nearly one hundred and twenty five year old comment still valid?
09 September 2013 8,195 12 View
There may perhaps be certain principles that are used both in Physics and in Economics. Are there any such examples?
08 August 2013 7,331 23 View
We all know how the discovery of calculus has changed the course of mathematics. There is hardly any branch of science that has not been effected by calculus. But what would have happened had...
08 August 2013 1,831 82 View
Modern mathematics is perhaps mostly application oriented. Is the philosophy of mathematics currently the same as it was earlier when application orientation was not so much important?
06 June 2013 820 15 View
The method of set superimposition has been discussed in detail in this article.
01 January 1970 3,431 1 View
Regarding construction of normal fuzzy sets, the article attached herewith answers certain questions not answered by the classical theory of fuzzy sets.
01 January 1970 785 0 View