10 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hemant Kumar Singh
I am working on shear behaviors of natural rock discontinuities. I have observed that back portion of upper half of shear box (where hydraulic jack exerts force to move upper half) tilts slightly...
07 February 2017 4,541 5 View
I am working on natural rock discontinuity, and found peak friction angle less than basic friction angle. Is it possible? Can peak friction angle less than basic friction angle in case of natural...
08 June 2015 8,407 14 View
I want to digitize Barton ten standard curve of roughness profile, but I am getting some problem to consider y-axis. What scale I have to consider along vertical axis for digitizing purpose.
19 March 2015 2,053 2 View
I have in-situ SRV of Joint, can we use this value (in-situ Schmidt Rebound Value) for calculation of JCS ? Is SRV scale dependent or not? If yes! would you recommend a paper? Thank you
11 March 2015 4,840 3 View
What will be the approximate shear displacement for corresponding peak shear strength of 12 cm granite block ? I tested 10% of total length of the sample!
19 January 2015 5,831 5 View
I want to calculate fractal dimension slightly undulating line. I found one code from net on boxcounting method (by F. Moisy, 2008) and used for slightly undulating surface that is not given...
14 January 2015 6,583 43 View
I had gone through too many papers and am unable to find an exact or rough value of pressure at depth 8-12 m generated by rocks like granite, sandstone, basalt and quarzite. Could you please...
10 December 2014 4,836 11 View
I am working on shear behavior of different rock type on which stability of structure depend.
27 November 2014 7,660 13 View
I am working on roughness influence on shear strength of rock. I am facing problems regarding roughness of the upper block as I asked in the question. I am looking forward to the answer.
20 November 2014 4,655 12 View
I am from geology background and working on Experimental rock mechanics and looking for roughness characterization.
12 November 2014 960 3 View