20 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hanie Kavand
I believe that obtaining 'authentic' results is pretty hard, so this brings me here to check if I am doing things right. I would like to detect a protein using Alexa 568 Ab in my cells. I tuned...
10 October 2018 9,191 4 View
Some journals ask for a plain text manuscript where there is a need to convert all the references to plain texts. I know this can be done using EndNote, but is there a similar process defined for...
08 August 2018 6,999 6 View
I need to label my cells with a nano particle and I don't want the particles to enter cells for a time period of 21 days.
06 June 2016 5,788 3 View
I need to deposit Fe3O4 thin film over PDMS and I think sputtering is the best option available. However, I do not have an iron oxide target. That is why I was thinking of making a Fe3O4 target...
05 May 2016 6,338 5 View
RGD is a tripeptide composed of L-arginine, glycine, and L-aspartic acid. So, we have a (-NH2) group and 2 (-COOH) groups. In almost all the articles I've come crossed, they used carboxylated...
02 February 2016 6,279 2 View
The magnetic nanoparticle had been coated with RGD peptides. How can we track these particles both in the inside & the outside.
01 January 2016 7,292 2 View
RGD specifically binds to the integrin receptors, which makes helps with the nanoparticle-cell conjugate. Even though I am not using any internalisation technique (like electroporation or etc.), I...
12 December 2015 922 4 View
If not, he hats the best way to make it so?
12 December 2015 5,969 2 View
Why do researchers apply different cancer cell lines for their research purposes? I know that the cell lines differ in "invasiveness" potentials, but what does this mean? for example what is the...
11 November 2015 8,238 6 View
Breast cells are epithelial in origin, however during EMT, the epithelial phenotype (and maybe genotype) is replaced by by the mesenchymal phenotype. This makes me wonder if we have a mesenchymal...
11 November 2015 3,256 7 View
Can tuning roughness leads to different stiffness of a material?
10 October 2015 8,533 9 View
I need to measure the stiffness of nano grass substrates with different densities. How can I simulate this and how can I instrumentally approve it? Indentation methods don't seems to be applicable...
10 October 2015 4,869 2 View
Or is metastasis defined only as the rising of new tumour site for the migrated breast cancer cells?
09 September 2015 1,623 5 View
Are cancer cell lines anything near to primary tumour cells?
08 August 2015 1,147 3 View
Except from dimensional point of view, is there any significant different between the two nano structures? And why did science emerge to produce CNT sheets? Was is just a matter of ability in...
06 June 2015 8,493 0 View
Is the migration procedure initiated within the metastasized cells or is there a chemo/electrical signaling from the ECM/endothelial cells/blood stream which recruits cells into the blood...
01 January 2015 1,559 17 View
If the interplay between capillary and centrifugal forces makes the fluid-fluid interface unstable and gives rise to the fingering patterns, can these patterns be unique within the same fluids and...
12 December 2014 5,721 4 View
In order for cancer to spread to distant tissues, metastatic cells must enter the lymph/blood stream. However, this question rises that what will happen if we manually introduce metastatic cancer...
12 December 2014 5,412 1 View
While encapsulating ADMSCs in sodium alginate, providing a 3D environment for the cells, I come across different viability rates. Trypan blue shows a lower viability rate, as low as 50%. On the...
02 February 2013 6,968 6 View
As trypan blue fails to calculate the accurate viability rate of my [cell+alginate 1.2%] suspension, I was thinking about using dual florescent dye (PI & AO). However, I am concerned about whether...
02 February 2013 3,194 2 View