7 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Grant January
Is it possible to determine the antibacterial minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) using a liquid inhibition assay (MIC) with Lysogeny broth medium instead of Mueller-Hinton broth? If so, is...
10 February 2020 6,491 5 View
I am trying to extract community DNA from deep-sea sediments using MP BIOMEDICALS FastDNA™ SPIN Kit for Soil. I have used starting material from 50 mg (recommended amount for marine sediments) to...
03 November 2017 9,133 3 View
I am in search of protocols for culturing marine bacteria from sea sediments under anoxic or microaerophilic conditions. My samples are from deep-sea sediments 2-5 km in depth from Antarctic...
03 October 2017 9,371 6 View
Could someone please direct me to a research article where crude extracted fucoidan (or FCSP) was purified, and the chemical compositions between the crude and purified forms of fucoidan was...
19 August 2015 6,431 2 View
I am purifying fucose-containing-sulphated-polysaccharides/FCSP (potentially fucoidan) by anion exchange chromatography. I then complex fucoidan with CTAB creating a fucoidan-CTAB salt and run it...
11 August 2015 294 5 View
I am looking for an enzyme that can hydrolyse a fucoidan polysaccharide into oligosaccharide units.
28 August 2014 283 1 View
I have isolated various marine polysaccharides (fucoidans) from several seaweeds and would like a rough estimation of their sizes (kDa) by running them on a carbohydrate polyacrylamide gel...
28 August 2014 3,064 7 View