11 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gopikrishnan Kailas
We are trying to fluidize sand of diameter 300 to 600 microns using a fluidized bed of diameter 65mm. The bed is fluidizing at 0.7 meters per second. According to the literature, the bed must...
02 January 2021 453 8 View
We need to calculate the flow rate of air required for fluidization of the bed. We have a compressor which gives air at 7 bar and a 1 bar rotameter for measuring the flow rate in LPM. How can I...
17 December 2020 2,365 3 View
What sulphur compounds are present in diesel fuel
11 December 2020 9,852 3 View
For continuous pyrolysis reaction, we need a continuous flow of nitrogen to remove the evolved pyrolysis vapours and condense them simultaneously. How can we calculate the required flow rate? Is...
07 December 2020 4,374 6 View
How can we add carbon element in dwsim?
23 July 2020 2,650 4 View
Why most of the research in the literature focuses more on the application of plastic pyrolysis oil in CI engines and not on the SI engine? Does it have to do with the composition of the oil? If...
22 July 2020 3,121 0 View
I am only able to add polyethylene which is not the exact properties of LDPE. The molecular weight and other properties don't match the literature. If I have to add the properties, then what list...
21 July 2020 1,392 1 View
What are the latest developments taking place in the field of plastic pyrolysis? Any new breakthroughs that can improve the process? Any new areas that everyone should explore so as to do...
26 January 2020 7,211 5 View
Can anyone suggest good journal papers dealing with CFD of plastic pyrolysis using ANSYS or any other software?
26 January 2020 3,038 3 View
Which is the best International conference to attend in the area of pyrolysis? (where we can meet top researchers in the field)
11 December 2019 1,414 5 View
What are the tools and resources that can help a researcher in writing a systematic review paper?
01 January 1970 1,528 6 View