9 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Giulia Perasso
I am looking for sources on this topic and I am interested in your opinion. Thank you
09 September 2019 8,849 2 View
Dear all, I am researching about adolescents and alcohol use with self-report method and I have a few questions about how to measure frequency of alcohol (and other substances) consumption. How...
01 January 2019 8,167 3 View
Dear all, I was wondering if you could suggest me sources to read about variance, more specifically variance and r-squared in mediation and moderation. I have significant interactions among...
01 January 2019 4,286 3 View
Dear all, Do you have strategies to remove multiple outliers at once from SPSS dataset? Thank you
12 December 2018 4,572 6 View
Dear all, Thank you for visiting the present question. I would like to ask you if you knew any official guidelines to write short-lenght scientific contribution (such as letter to editor,...
06 June 2018 5,676 2 View
Dear all, Thank you for visiting my question. I was wondering if you could suggest me handbooks, chapters, papers, guidelines to write commentaries on articles published on scientific...
02 February 2018 923 7 View
Dear all, Thank you for visiting my question. I was wondering if you could suggest me any instrument similar to SDQ. More specifically I'm looking for multi-informant instruments but also for...
01 January 2018 8,790 2 View
Also, I was wondering if The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11; Patton, Stanford, & Barratt, 1995) could be administered to adolescents (aging 14-19). Thank you
06 June 2017 7,698 0 View
Dear all, can you suggest me scientific literature (meta-analysis or reviews) around positive and negative emotions? I need definitions, but also updated evidence-based sources. All I can find...
11 November 2016 6,038 0 View