20 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Florian Lüskow
Dear all, I am curious to learn about the identification of the pictured salp individuum. The pictures were taken in October 2022 near San Antonio del Sur (southern Cuba) not far away from shore....
16 August 2023 8,996 0 View
Dear colleagues, On an expedition in the southern Sargasso Sea, subtropical Northwest Atlantic, I encountered repeatedly specimens of the photographed heteropod, never (so far) being bigger than...
29 March 2023 3,044 4 View
Hey jelly community! I was wondering whether you could help me ID the species depicted in the attached photos?! The specimens have been collected in October and November this year in the Bay of...
11 December 2022 3,961 3 View
Dear all, In an table showing element contents of marine zooplankton published in 1985, I encountered two units: ug per gram dry weight (used for Fe, Cu, etc.) and dpm per gram dry weight (used...
09 June 2022 5,987 2 View
Hello! The attached pictures show one or two hydromedusan species (Aequorea type) photographed between July and October in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Isalnds by SCUBA divers. Unfortunaltey,...
20 August 2020 8,607 3 View
Hello! The attached pictures show two cubozoan species photographed between February and May in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Isalnds by SCUBA divers. Unfortunaltey, no size measurements have...
20 August 2020 1,133 5 View
Hello! The attached pictures show several small hydromedusan species photographed between April and October in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Isalnds by SCUBA divers. Unfortunaltey, no size...
20 August 2020 7,712 3 View
Hello! The attached pictures show siphonophores photographed between September and October in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Isalnds by SCUBA divers near the surface. Unfortunaltey, no size...
20 August 2020 4,400 4 View
Hello! The attached pictures show several ctenophore species photographed between July and October in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Isalnds by SCUBA divers. Unfortunaltey, no size measurements...
20 August 2020 1,846 4 View
Hello! The attached pictures show salps photographed between June and November in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Isalnds by SCUBA divers near the surface. Unfortunaltey, no size measurements have...
20 August 2020 6,991 1 View
Dear all, I was wondering if anybody knows of a lab that analyses foreign powderised plankton samples via bomb-calorimetry for energy density? I got some energy values that are one order of...
10 December 2019 6,213 3 View
Hi! I am trying to measure the energy content of various gelatinous zooplankton organisms using a semi-micro bomb-calorimeter. Because of the low expected energy content, I am mixing my sample...
20 November 2019 2,700 4 View
Dear all, some days ago, I encountered an amphibian in a small creek in the German Alps (ca. 900 m above sea level). They were quite abundant and reproducing. I would appreciate any suggestion...
16 May 2017 180 3 View
During a trip in western Scotland (Highlands) I have seen plenty of this spiny yellowish flowering plant. Does anybody know that species and if it has invasive characteristics?
20 May 2016 1,697 6 View
In the surrounding of a swamp in northeastern Germany we have plenty of Reynoutria sachalinensis which are neophytes for that region. Along with this species a second so far unknown species...
15 May 2016 1,703 8 View
In the upper 100 meters of the waters south of Cape Verde (Eastern Atlantic Ocean) I collected a number of pyrosome speciments. Can anybody confirm the identification for Pyrosoma atlanticum?
23 December 2015 1,036 3 View
The shells have been found in the foundation of a building in Germany and I am interested to find out if they have a marine or freshwater origin. The shells are between 0.5 and 2.0 cm large.
09 June 2015 8,895 12 View
This animal was caught in the eastern central Atlantic (seems to be complete) in depths between 100 and 600 meters. There was just individual of it. Can anybody identify it?
01 June 2015 2,701 14 View
This jellyfish was caught in the eastern central Atlantic in depths between 100 and 600 meters. There was just individual of it. Can anybody identify it?
01 June 2015 456 8 View
We observed a large number of salps (solitaries and aggregates) in the temperate Northeast Atlantic north of 55°N in early summer. Salps occurred in chains and individually from near the surface...
01 January 1970 3,354 0 View