21 Questions 44 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fazla Rabbi Mashrur
Dear colleagues, Today I received an email from "[email protected]" with the following text: Dear Author,...
31 May 2021 5,583 92 View
I am trying to use new emotiv epoch+ headset which was bought in 2018. I am having half of the electrode as green Like this picture. But my question is why the over all contact quality is 0%...
18 December 2020 9,826 2 View
I was performing a binary classification problem with 15000 RGB images using a scratch build CNN model. While it comes to evaluate the model, I can do it in two ways: 1. Splitting data Train...
09 September 2020 8,829 6 View
I am trying to solve a binary EEG classification problem. But the problem is dataset small and imbalanced. It has 100 and 200 epoch in two classes respectively. Each poch contains 10s data. The...
12 August 2020 1,153 8 View
I understand vaguely that the first author is supposed to be the one who "did the most work", but what counts as "work" in this comparison? Does "most" mean "more than all the other coauthors...
27 July 2020 4,129 95 View
I finished my undergraduate thesis in transfer learning, keeping the most of the CNN layer freeze and changed some of last layers for my own problem. But I am but confused about Fine Tuning and...
20 July 2020 7,737 23 View
I am starting a systemic review. And it's my first one. I have figured out the PICO and search keywords. I am overwhelming with massive results from different search engine. They contains...
06 July 2020 3,554 9 View
I just started to learn the deep learning in my free time. I was hoping to buy a laptop where I want to implement some small(alexnet) to medium(GoogleNet) networks maybe something bigger. I...
23 June 2020 5,712 29 View
I have a dataset with 75 independent variables and only 30 cases/ samples. function lm isn't working as there are limits, such as when you have more predictors than cases you run into issues in...
05 June 2020 7,019 2 View
I have a quite a large dataset of 75 features and one dependent variable where all are continuous. I want to do a MLR. and want to reduce the number of features. But there are many feature...
05 June 2020 8,943 22 View
I have a data set of 87 variables and 1 outcome where all are continuous. I need to use linear regression with leave-one-out cross validation to create a model/equation with prediction's accuracy,...
31 May 2020 4,398 1 View
One of the common problems in data science is gathering data from various sources in a somehow cleaned (semi-structured) format and combining metrics from various sources for making a higher level...
27 May 2020 5,820 6 View
As far as I can tell, neural networks have a fixed number of neurons in the input layer. If neural networks are used in a context like NLP, sentences or blocks of text of varying sizes are fed to...
27 May 2020 7,157 6 View
Imagine a standard machine-learning scenario: You are confronted with a large multivariate dataset and you have a pretty blurry understanding of it. What you need to do is to make predictions...
22 May 2020 2,431 5 View
I am working on the sleep stage classification. I read some research articles about this topic many of them used SVM or ensemble method. Is it a good idea to use convolutional neural network to...
21 May 2020 1,916 12 View
I was working for a project. The computational part is done. Now it's time to write a paper. But I am procrastinating much and actually I am not sure how to start or where to start.Which part...
19 May 2020 4,071 27 View
In my country, Bangladesh, a team of doctors have reportedly claimed that a combination of two common drugs has shown astounding results in the treatment of patients with acute symptoms of...
18 May 2020 2,199 39 View
Why are covid-19 cases shown also on a logarithmic scale? on worldometer for example. From my understanding, the ln(x) is the inverse function of the e(x) and so we could better see, if the curve...
15 May 2020 7,608 13 View
Is there anywhere a database that includes case-level information on COVID-19 cases? Such data would typically include patient demographics and/or health information, location, time of...
13 May 2020 8,972 15 View
Often while reading a paper, I will see a citation that that seems more relevant than my current one. I'll switch to the new paper, only to experience a similar feeling. Or maybe I need to look...
12 May 2020 4,045 23 View
I have a dataset containing 34 input columns and 8 output columns.One way to solve the problem is to take the 34 inputs and build individual regression model for each output column. I am wondering...
01 January 1970 2,176 7 View