25 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Farideh Bagherzadeh Khiabani
I'm getting slightly different random numbers depending on the OS (Windows vs Linux) although I have specified the seed using set.seed. Is there anyway to guarantee reproducibility across...
03 March 2018 2,278 11 View
I have fitted a logistic regression model in R. I am not sure how to estimate the bias and variance of this model.
02 February 2017 4,172 5 View
I am looking for an R function like the following one: f
08 August 2016 3,548 2 View
Dear Colleagues Does anyone know any available phd scholarship in the field of data mining concerning clinical applications and bioinformatics (university ranking < 100)? I have a good...
01 January 2016 4,023 0 View
Where can I find a data set containing the two variables: "Prostate-specific antigen" and "prostate cancer"? The dataset has been used in a lot of studies by Vickers such as: Prostate-specific...
01 January 2016 7,515 3 View
I used to save the result of my analysis (like an imputed data, ...) using save () and load it by load(). I recently came across dput() and dump(). Are they superior to save()?
10 October 2015 1,644 0 View
I need a data set containing both numerical and categorical variables and a two-class outcome to be used in examples of my R package. Do you know any well-known one?
10 October 2015 5,109 1 View
I need a couple of search algorithms. Does anybody know a package containing a lot of search algorithms such as stepwise, hill climbing, genetic search?
09 September 2015 2,553 0 View
Hi, I am writing a package and I need the hidden functions of another package. If I import that package while writing my package, do I have access to its hidden functions?
07 July 2015 463 6 View
I need to import SPSS data into R and retain both the values and value labels for the variables. The read.spss() function from foreign package gives me option to retain either values OR value...
05 May 2015 2,424 1 View
I would like to write a GUI (preferably starts in Windows) for a R package. Do you have any suggestions where to start from? Do you have any package or softwares for that?
04 April 2015 5,539 5 View
Dear all, I am working in a research institute working on clinical data. My boss decided to gather together data from all institutes across the country. Anyone has any experience to share? Where...
03 March 2015 3,408 3 View
Is there a package for Stacking (a kind of ensembling) models in R?
03 March 2015 7,873 0 View
I partitioned my data into train and test sets. I did outlier detection and missing value imputation in my training set. Then, I built a model on this set. I am not sure what I should do about...
02 February 2014 4,195 6 View
I have a data set containing both numerical and categorical variables, I want to do biclustering on it in R using the package biclust or any other recommended package. Does anybody have any...
01 January 2014 4,965 1 View
I implemented a logistic regression in R and got the following plot. Can anybody help me interpret it or introduce me to some good resources which can assist me?
01 January 2014 1,655 6 View
I want to use the StabPerf package in R. Any commands I use, there is an error. Can anyone give me a hand in the commands I should use? Here is when you can download the package in .tar.gz...
12 December 2013 682 0 View
If you use 10-fold cross validation to derive the error in, say, a C4.5 algorithm, then you are essentially building 10 separate trees on 90% of the data to test on 10% - 10 times. How can you...
12 December 2013 4,617 3 View
I am working on text mining in Rapid miner. I need to use the Word Net Dictionary. I installed the extension, and I downloaded the dictionary itself. But I don't know how to set parameters of...
11 November 2013 6,185 6 View
In the package randomForest of R, CARTs (based on gini) are used to create the forest. I need to use C4.5 (based on gain). Any recommendations for packages or commands?
11 November 2013 4,866 5 View
Although I've been working on data mining a while, I`m still having problems in distinguishing between these two areas when it comes to application.
09 September 2013 3,121 7 View
I have a data set of 500 records and 90 attributes. What are good ways to reduce the dimension without losing much information? I don't want to do something like PCA, because the interpretation...
09 September 2013 1,525 27 View
What is the R command for that?
08 August 2013 719 3 View
07 July 2013 7,997 3 View
I am using VIM and Amelia packages in R to impute missing values in my dataset.
07 July 2013 8,711 6 View