4 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fajri Mulya Iresha
I am working on probabilistic human health risks on dumpsite pollution in developing countries. Is there anyone who has an example of an excel file of the Monte Carlo simulation? Any paper that...
01 July 2021 8,576 4 View
Dear Experts, I have experience doing an experiment to find the concentration of Heavy metals using ICP-MS and Flame-AAS with the same groundwater sample. But, for the result, the AAS...
04 May 2021 420 4 View
Dear Professors and Experts, I was doing an experiment to measure the recovery rate. I want to spike 1 ppb after the dilution of soil in 10000 times, so I was spiking 1 mL of 10 ppm heavy metals...
12 September 2020 6,049 4 View
Usually, people use PTFA. Is it any experience using cellulose acetate? Is it affect the recovery rate?
24 August 2020 5,188 5 View