14 Questions 52 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Erick Argüello
Nowadays, multiple areas of engineering use ultrasonic sensors, mainly due to their high precision within short distances and their robustness to electromagnetic interference. The well-known HC...
02 May 2023 3,140 2 View
Hi everyone! I'm currently looking for PPG data acquired from epileptic patients before, during, and after seizures. I've already searched on the Physionet database, but I had no success. Where...
01 May 2020 9,933 0 View
Hi! I recently installed the Real Statistics complement for building Bland-Altman plots in Excel. However, I don't know how to use it in evaluating the agreement between HRV and PRV series. Could...
26 November 2019 3,936 3 View
The minimum number of RR intervals required for reproduce several metrics derived from HRV (e.g., HF power) can be found in the literature (Richards et al., 2010). However, what about PPG signals...
03 June 2019 502 2 View
I want to compare the runtime of two different algorithms for calculating the response obtained when a rectangular pulse is applied. The parameters are the pulse amplitude, the pulse duration and...
19 October 2017 6,152 1 View
Biomedical Engineering comprises many domains, such as tissue engineering, biosensors, clinical engineering and physiological modeling, but I was wondering if environmental engineering can be...
04 October 2017 6,080 3 View
I measured 20 times the runtime of three different C++ programs and I've got the following results (average): runtime_program_1 = 26,43 ms; runtime_program_2 = 27,02 ms; runtime_program_3 = 13,56...
15 June 2016 8,956 3 View
Some kind of neurons show a tonically active behavior in absence of stimulation, either by firing action potentials or releasing neurotransmitter (e.g. inhibitory Off-cells from...
25 November 2015 1,253 2 View
Let's consider a MultiLayer Perceptron (input = 2 nodes; hidden = 2 nodes; output = 1 node). The network's output can be easily calculated in the Feed-Forward architecture, but if there are...
16 August 2015 7,437 10 View
Trace metal concentrations in blood plasma or serum have been assayed by numerous investigators using multiple analytical techniques. Several trace elements occur at a higher concentration in...
03 November 2014 8,602 2 View
It has been argued that the capacity as well as the speed of a neural network depends on the computational cost of its main building block. But, is there an objective (or at least, quantitative)...
03 September 2014 2,475 14 View
Both types of projection neuron convey noxious information to supraspinal structures, but, is one more important than the other?
07 August 2014 658 4 View
Neural circuitry underlying nocifensive response depends on the type of reflex. But, when we talk about withdrawal response, what are the neural elements involved?
13 May 2014 542 2 View
There are many discrepancies between sensory neuron thresholds reported by experimental studies. Furthermore, no studies seem to be available to compare the stimulus-response function of noxious...
30 August 2013 7,887 9 View